Ethan Frome Summary - Edith Wharton

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Author story: Edith Wharton
 Ethan Frome Summary
Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome is a tragic novella set in the bleak, isolated landscape of rural Starkfield, Massachusetts, at the turn of the 20th century. The story is framed by an unnamed narrator who is spending time in Starkfield and becomes intrigued by the enigmatic Ethan Frome. The narrator pieces together Ethan's story through observations and conversations with locals, primarily with Mrs. Hale, a woman who knew Ethan and his family.

The story unfolds in two distinct timelines. The present timeline focuses on the narrator's observations of the aged and crippled Ethan, a man marked by hardship and suffering. The past timeline, which forms the core of the narrative, reveals the events that led to Ethan's tragic fate.

Ethan Frome is a hardworking but impoverished farmer trapped in a loveless marriage with Zeena, a sickly and hypochondriacal woman. Zeena is portrayed as cold, demanding, and manipulative. She constantly complains about her ailments and uses them to control Ethan and extract what little money they have. Ethan is a quiet and introspective man, yearning for something more than his bleak existence. He is deeply connected to the land but feels trapped by his circumstances and his responsibility to Zeena.

Into this stifling atmosphere comes Mattie Silver, Zeena's young cousin. Mattie is sent to Starkfield to help Zeena with the housework. Unlike Zeena, Mattie is vibrant, cheerful, and full of life. She brings a spark of joy into Ethan's dreary existence. Ethan and Mattie are drawn to each other, finding solace and connection in their shared loneliness and longing. Their feelings develop into a passionate love affair, a brief respite from the harsh realities of their lives.

Their romance blossoms during the long winter months amidst the stark beauty of the New England landscape. They share stolen moments, walking in the snow, sharing meals, and simply enjoying each other's company. These moments of happiness are a stark contrast to the oppressive atmosphere of the Frome household. Mattie's presence revitalizes Ethan, giving him hope he hasn't felt in years.

However, their idyllic interlude is threatened by Zeena's growing suspicion of their feelings. Despite her supposed frailty, Zeena is perceptive and possessive. She senses the connection between Ethan and Mattie and becomes increasingly resentful. She makes it clear that she intends to replace Mattie with another hired girl, effectively ending their relationship.

The news of Mattie's impending departure devastates Ethan. He is faced with the unbearable prospect of losing the only person who has ever shown him love and understanding. He feels trapped, unable to escape his obligations to Zeena and his bleak future.

In a desperate attempt to escape their situation, Ethan and Mattie make a fateful decision. They decide to commit suicide by "coasting" down a steep hill on a sled, crashing into a large elm tree. They believe that this is the only way for them to be together forever, even in death.

However, their suicide attempt fails. Instead of dying, they are both horribly injured. Ethan is left crippled, and Mattie is even more severely disabled. Zeena, ironically, is the one who is left to care for them both, becoming even more bitter and resentful.

The story then returns to the present timeline, where the narrator observes the aged Ethan, Mattie, and Zeena. They are all trapped in a state of perpetual suffering, living in the same house, bound together by their shared tragedy. Mattie, once vibrant and full of life, is now a shadow of her former self, dependent on Zeena's grudging care. Ethan is left to live with the physical and emotional scars of his failed suicide attempt, a constant reminder of his lost love and his tragic fate. The story ends on a note of profound despair and hopelessness, leaving the reader with a sense of the crushing weight of fate and the bleakness of human existence.

Ethan Frome is a haunting and tragic novella that explores the themes of love, loss, and the crushing weight of societal constraints. Wharton's masterful use of setting, her stark and evocative prose, and her deeply drawn characters create a powerful and unforgettable story. The bleak landscape of Starkfield mirrors the emotional desolation of the characters, emphasizing their isolation and their inability to escape their circumstances. The story's tragic ending, where the characters are left to live with the consequences of their desperate act, underscores the futility of their attempt to escape their fate. Ethan Frome is a powerful and poignant exploration of the human condition, a reminder of the fragility of happiness and the enduring power of despair.