200 Difficult Words - Group 2

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 200 Difficult Words - Group 2View Group Words   
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/'pælɪeɪt/ v.
lessen violence of disease; moderate intensity; gloss over with excuses

Spelling Word: palliate
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/'pɔ:sɪtɪ/ n. Syn. scarcity
scarcity; smallness of number; fewness

Spelling Word: paucity
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/pə'fʌŋktərɪ/ a. Syn. superficial
done routinely and with little interest or care; acting with indifference; showing little interest or care

Spelling Word: perfunctory
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/pə'nɪʃəs/ a. Syn. deadly
very destructive; tending to cause death or serious injury; deadly

Spelling Word: pernicious
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/pɜrtɪ'neɪʃəs/;/-tn'eɪʃəs/ a. Syn. stubborn; persistent
stubbornly or perversely persistent; unyielding; obstinate

Spelling Word: pertinacious
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/rɪ'pli:t/ a.
filled to brim or to point of being stuffed; abundantly supplied

Spelling Word: replete
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/rɪ'pju:dɪeɪt/ v. Syn. disown
disown; refuse to acknowledge; reject validity or authority of

Spelling Word: repudiate
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/rɪ'sɪnd/ v. Syn. cancel; annul; repeal
cancel; make void; repeal or annul

Spelling Word: rescind
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/'stɒlɪd/ a. Syn. dull; impassive
dull; impassive; having or revealing little emotion or sensibility

Spelling Word: stolid
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/'trukjələnt, 'trʌkjʊlənt/ a. Syn. belligerent
disposed to fight; belligerent; aggressively hostile

Spelling Word: truculent