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(dừng) stop; stand in doubt; hesitate

Spelling Word: halt
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(nhạc cụ) tool; one used by another to accomplish a purpose; device used to produce music; legal document

Spelling Word: instrument
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(vấn đề) subject; topic; problem; edition; publication; release; publish

Spelling Word: issue
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(thuê) rent; charter; engage for service under a term of contract

Spelling Word: lease
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(sang trọng) something that is an indulgence rather than necessity; excessively expensive

Spelling Word: luxury
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(ngạc nhiên) wonder; strong surprise; astonishment

Spelling Word: marvel
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(phù hợp) something that resembles or harmonizes with

Spelling Word: match
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(vĩnh viễn) remaining without essential change

Spelling Word: permanent
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(gia cầm) craft of making earthenware; ceramic ware made from clay

Spelling Word: pottery
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(bảo tồn) uphold; retain; maintain in safety from injury, peril, or harm

Spelling Word: preserve