Elementary School Words: List 1 for 5th Grade SOCIAL, random words are selected for the Word Quiz worksheet. This sheet is created dynamically, every sheet is different from the previous ones. You can download and print the worksheet from your browser directly.
Elementary School Words: List 1 for 5th Grade SOCIAL
1: public schools generally refer to primary or secondary schools mandated for or offered to all children without charge, funded in whole or in part by taxation
Central America [__]
federal [__]
Mexico [__]
public education [__]
2: a productive insight; compulsory pretrial disclosure of documents relevant to a case
discovery [__]
traditional [__]
socialization [__]
innovation [__]
3: act of moving; change of place or posture; transference, by any means, from one situation to another
population [__]
resolution [__]
movement [__]
Constitution [__]
4: region that has a highly developed economy and advanced technological infrastructure
traditional [__]
developed region [__]
stock market [__]
historian [__]
5: remainder; more than is needed; quantity much larger than is needed; remaining
consumption [__]
Constitution [__]
command [__]
surplus [__]
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How to Print Worksheets
The video below takes 'Make PDF Worksheets for Sight Words' as an example to show how to print worksheets.