English Vocabulary Builder - Introduction | |
English Vocabulary Builder is a great tool for test takers to prepare TOEFL, IELTS, and SAT test. You can schedule own paces and adjust course content by adding new words, updating existing definitions, examples, and notes.
You can get accurate reports to study efficiently. You can also share these reports with your tutor to speed up vocabulary building, the hardest job in English study. It saves time for both tutor and student.
This tool is the most powerful one among all vocabulary building apps of Pacific Lava School. For example, it may combine multiple courses/levels, like TOEFL and IELTS, TOEFL and SAT together. This feature helps much to students who are studying for more than one exams.
Never waste your time, download and try immediately!
Q&A of Software and Course
What is built-in course of the tool?
The tool supports multiple courses already, IELTS words, SAT words, TOEFL words. However, each software package only has one built-in course to simplify installation. So you should select right course when downloading software package. After you create an account, the built-in course will be installed automatically.
Can I study more than one course under one account?
Yes. This tool supports multiple courses. In addition to built-in course, you can load other available courses from internet. If your software version does not offer dynamic download, please contact with vendor.
Why is a course divided into levels?
One course usually has more than 3000 words. Dividing them into levels with 1000 to 1500 will help learners to target their goals effectively. Each course consists of 3 or 4 levels. Step by step is an easy way to go further.
How can I view words of higher levels before I request registry key?
Enter Words In Course dialog box from My Course, you can see word list of each level of built-in course. You also can see word list of additional courses that you download already.
Why do I need examword.com account to run this tool?
This software runs on your computer, but still consumes servers' resource. We try to keep it in good shape as possible. From v4.00, EVB is free for all users of examword.com.
Do I need request registry key for level 1?
When you create account, the built-in course will be installed. and basic level (level 1) words are open to study. You don't need request register key for level 1. Only if your account is active, the level 1 is always ready for you.
Can I request registry key level by level?
Yes. Registry key is calculated by request email, course, and level. Namely, each level has separate key. You can request on demand. You also can request all of them one time, but it is unnecessary.
When does a registry key expire?
It's never expires, you can use it forever. For some courses, registry key may be inactive after two years. In this case, please contact with request email. You will receive new key absolutely free.
If I lose my registry key, can I apply re-send?
Yes. Please contact with request email, namely your account, it will be re-sent anytime.
How do I input registry key?
Enter Registers dialog box from My Course, input (or copy/paste) registry key, click Register button. If everything is right, the key will be accepted. For basic level, all limitations for trial user will be removed. For other levels, such as level 2, or level 3, new words of this level will be loaded to learn accordingly. If the key is refused, please double check whether your register email is as same as request email, course and level are correct. If you cannot figure it out, please feel free to contact.