Spelling Words for 6th Grade (List 7)

Grade 6: Worksheet - 7
Middle School Words: Spelling Words for 6th Grade (List 7), random words are selected for the Word Match worksheet. This sheet is created dynamically, every sheet is different from the previous ones. You can download and print the worksheet from your browser directly.

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 Worksheet - Middle School Words: Spelling Words for 6th Grade (List 7)

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Middle School Words: Spelling Words for 6th Grade (List 7)

1: n. public transport that consists of a bus, train, or airplane that run between two points
2: n. frame of bones supporting a human or animal body; framework
3: n. sculpture representing a human or animal
4: n. a musical instrument, usually made of metal, that is played by blowing
5: n. something indispensable; something that you must do, or something you need
6: n. a person who is highly educated or has an aptitude for study

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