Correct Spelling of Numerals

You may know 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th, but how to spell them in formal English possibly confuses you. If you aren't totally confident, the app can give a hand. It provides common cardinal and ordinal numerals spelling exercises and answers, interactively corrects your inputting, and helps to spell cardinal and ordinal in right way.
Stories of USA Today
Materials for Reading & Listening Practice
Elementary School Words
 Select Numeral to Spell
Numerical words, either cardinal numerals or ordinal numerals, are easy and common. More or less everyone uses them in everyday life. If you are tutor or anyone who is curios to the big picture of English numerals, this Wikipedia page may give some clues. For very young kids who are starting to learn some basic numbers, the video is a wonderful start point to know 1, 2, 3, and more. It's also an excellent warm-up to spell numerals in this app.

This app is designed to exercise cardinal and ordinal spelling in interactive way.It assumes you already knew these words, just helps you spell them correctly.

All words are grouped into 6 pages.The app checks each letter you input, warns whenever your inputting is wrong, and will terminate your challenging after 3 failures.It's a handy and smart tool to practice numerical spelling.