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(比) relation which one quantity or magnitude has to another of the same kind; rate; proportion

Spelling Word: ratio
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(評判) dependence; certainty based on past experience

Spelling Word: reliance
Read [Esc] (3)
(常駐) one who resides in a place permanently or for an extended period; dweller

Spelling Word: resident
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(解像度) determination; resolving to do something; formal statement of a decision

Spelling Word: resolution
Read [Esc] (5)
(役割) normal activity of a person in particular social setting; part played by a performer

Spelling Word: role
Read [Esc] (6)
(スケジュール) plan for an activity or event; arrange

Spelling Word: schedule
Read [Esc] (7)
(セクター) particular aspect of life or activity; body of people who form part of society or economy

Spelling Word: sector
Read [Esc] (8)
(ストレス) put special emphasis on; utter with an accent; state of extreme difficulty, pressure, or strain

Spelling Word: stress
Read [Esc] (9)
(補足) added to complete or make up a deficiency

Spelling Word: supplementary
Read [Esc] (10)
(ターゲット) reference point to shoot at; goal intended to be attained

Spelling Word: target