BODY in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Moby Dick by Herman Melville
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 Current Search - Body in Moby Dick
1  Methinks my body is but the lees of my better being.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 7. The Chapel.
2  In fact take my body who will, take it I say, it is not me.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 7. The Chapel.
3  Yes, these eyes are windows, and this body of mine is the house.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 2. The Carpet-Bag.
4  You cannot put a shelf or chest of drawers in your body, and no more can you make a convenient closet of your watch-coat.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 35. The Mast-Head.
5  His body was reaching eagerly forward, his hand stretched out like a wand, and at brief sudden intervals he continued his cries.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 47. The Mat-Maker.
6  And therefore three cheers for Nantucket; and come a stove boat and stove body when they will, for stave my soul, Jove himself cannot.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 7. The Chapel.
7  Besides, argued I, fasting makes the body cave in; hence the spirit caves in; and all thoughts born of a fast must necessarily be half-starved.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 17. The Ramadan.
8  On his long, gaunt body, he carried no spare flesh, no superfluous beard, his chin having a soft, economical nap to it, like the worn nap of his broad-brimmed hat.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 16. The Ship.
9  Though the body was erect, the head was thrown back so that the closed eyes were pointed towards the needle of the tell-tale that swung from a beam in the ceiling.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 51. The Spirit-Spout.
10  The original iron entered nigh the tail, and, like a restless needle sojourning in the body of a man, travelled full forty feet, and at last was found imbedded in the hump.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 3. The Spouter-Inn.
11  But I beat the thing down; and again marking the sleeper, jocularly hinted to Queequeg that perhaps we had best sit up with the body; telling him to establish himself accordingly.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 21. Going Aboard.
12  Not even at the present day has the original prestige of the Sperm Whale, as fearfully distinguished from all other species of the leviathan, died out of the minds of the whalemen as a body.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 41. Moby Dick.
13  Starbuck's body and Starbuck's coerced will were Ahab's, so long as Ahab kept his magnet at Starbuck's brain; still he knew that for all this the chief mate, in his soul, abhorred his captain's quest, and could he, would joyfully disintegrate himself from it, or even frustrate it.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 46. Surmises.
14  An uncommon large whale, the body of which was larger than the ship itself, lay almost at the surface of the water, but was not perceived by any one on board till the moment when the ship, which was in full sail, was almost upon him, so that it was impossible to prevent its striking against him.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 45. The Affidavit.
15  Yet, when by this collision forced to turn towards home, and for long months of days and weeks, Ahab and anguish lay stretched together in one hammock, rounding in mid winter that dreary, howling Patagonian Cape; then it was, that his torn body and gashed soul bled into one another; and so interfusing, made him mad.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 41. Moby Dick.
16  For not only are whalemen as a body unexempt from that ignorance and superstitiousness hereditary to all sailors; but of all sailors, they are by all odds the most directly brought into contact with whatever is appallingly astonishing in the sea; face to face they not only eye its greatest marvels, but, hand to jaw, give battle to them.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 41. Moby Dick.
17  The rest of his body was so streaked, and spotted, and marbled with the same shrouded hue, that, in the end, he had gained his distinctive appellation of the White Whale; a name, indeed, literally justified by his vivid aspect, when seen gliding at high noon through a dark blue sea, leaving a milky-way wake of creamy foam, all spangled with golden gleamings.
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 41. Moby Dick.
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