1 But his pride was shortly to have a severe fall.
The Wind in the Willows By Kenneth GrahameContextHighlight In CHAPTER X. THE FURTHER ADVENTURES OF TOAD 2 The Rat let his egg-spoon fall on the table-cloth, and sat open-mouthed.
The Wind in the Willows By Kenneth GrahameContextHighlight In CHAPTER VI. MR. TOAD 3 He thought it was only falling leaves at first, so slight and delicate was the sound of it.
The Wind in the Willows By Kenneth GrahameContextHighlight In CHAPTER III. THE WILD WOOD 4 The rapid nightfall of mid-December had quite beset the little village as they approached it on soft feet over a first thin fall of powdery snow.
The Wind in the Willows By Kenneth GrahameContextHighlight In CHAPTER V. DULCE DOMUM 5 He was about half-way through his meal when an only too familiar sound, approaching down the street, made him start and fall a-trembling all over.
The Wind in the Willows By Kenneth GrahameContextHighlight In CHAPTER VI. MR. TOAD 6 Then suddenly the Mole felt a great Awe fall upon him, an awe that turned his muscles to water, bowed his head, and rooted his feet to the ground.
The Wind in the Willows By Kenneth GrahameContextHighlight In CHAPTER VII. THE PIPER AT THE GATES OF DAWN 7 He had travelled some miles, his horse and he, and he was feeling drowsy in the hot sunshine, when the horse stopped, lowered his head, and began to nibble the grass; and Toad, waking up, just saved himself from falling off by an effort.
The Wind in the Willows By Kenneth GrahameContextHighlight In CHAPTER X. THE FURTHER ADVENTURES OF TOAD 8 The Mole and the Rat followed silently, swinging themselves successfully into the hole as they had seen the Badger do; but when it came to Toad's turn, of course he managed to slip and fall into the water with a loud splash and a squeal of alarm.
The Wind in the Willows By Kenneth GrahameContextHighlight In CHAPTER XII. THE RETURN OF ULYSSES 9 Dark and deserted as it was, the night was full of small noises, song and chatter and rustling, telling of the busy little population who were up and about, plying their trades and vocations through the night till sunshine should fall on them at last and send them off to their well-earned repose.
The Wind in the Willows By Kenneth GrahameContextHighlight In CHAPTER VII. THE PIPER AT THE GATES OF DAWN