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Current Search - God in Up From Slavery: An Autobiography
1 I also kneeled down and asked God's blessing upon my effort.
Up From Slavery: An AutobiographyBy Booker T. Washington ContextHighlight In Chapter XIII.
2 She said: "Mr. Washin'ton, God knows I spent de bes' days of my life in slavery."
Up From Slavery: An AutobiographyBy Booker T. Washington ContextHighlight In Chapter VIII.
3God bless the state of Alabama, which is showing that it can deal with this problem for itself.
Up From Slavery: An AutobiographyBy Booker T. Washington ContextHighlight In Chapter XVII.
4God bless the President under whose majesty such a scene as that is presented to the American people.
Up From Slavery: An AutobiographyBy Booker T. Washington ContextHighlight In Chapter XVII.
5 With God's help, I believe that I have completely rid myself of any ill feeling toward the Southern white man for any wrong that he may have inflicted upon my race.
Up From Slavery: An AutobiographyBy Booker T. Washington ContextHighlight In Chapter XI.
6 Right here, perhaps, I ought to add that I make it a rule never to go before an audience, on any occasion, without asking the blessing of God upon what I want to say.
Up From Slavery: An AutobiographyBy Booker T. Washington ContextHighlight In Chapter XIII.
7 While among those two classes there were many capable, earnest, godly men and women, still a large proportion took up teaching or preaching as an easy way to make a living.
Up From Slavery: An AutobiographyBy Booker T. Washington ContextHighlight In Chapter V.
8 I cannot remember a single instance during my childhood or early boyhood when our entire family sat down to the table together, and God's blessing was asked, and the family ate a meal in a civilized manner.
Up From Slavery: An AutobiographyBy Booker T. Washington ContextHighlight In Chapter I.
9 The more I come into contact with wealthy people, the more I believe that they are growing in the direction of looking upon their money simply as an instrument which God has placed in their hand for doing good with.
Up From Slavery: An AutobiographyBy Booker T. Washington ContextHighlight In Chapter XVII.
10 While I was making this Christmas visit I met an old coloured man who was one of the numerous local preachers, who tried to convince me, from the experience Adam had in the Garden of Eden, that God had cursed all labour, and that, therefore, it was a sin for any man to work.
Up From Slavery: An AutobiographyBy Booker T. Washington ContextHighlight In Chapter IX.