I in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Anthem by Ayn Rand
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 Current Search - I in Anthem
1  I am the warrant and the sanction.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART ELEVEN
2  I am not a servant of their needs.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART ELEVEN
3  I lift my head and I spread my arms.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART ELEVEN
4  I am not a bandage for their wounds.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART ELEVEN
5  I wished to find a warrant for being.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART ELEVEN
6  I am not a sacrifice on their altars.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART ELEVEN
7  I wished to know the meaning of things.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART ELEVEN
8  I stand here on the summit of the mountain.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART ELEVEN
9  For I know what happiness is possible to me on earth.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART ELEVEN
10  I do not surrender my treasures, nor do I share them.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART ELEVEN
11  I guard my treasures: my thought, my will, my freedom.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART ELEVEN
12  I owe nothing to my brothers, nor do I gather debts from them.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART ELEVEN
13  Neither am I the means to any end others may wish to accomplish.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART ELEVEN
14  I need no warrant for being, and no word of sanction upon my being.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART ELEVEN
15  It is my will which chooses, and the choice of my will is the only edict I must respect.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART ELEVEN
16  Whatever road I take, the guiding star is within me; the guiding star and the loadstone which point the way.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART ELEVEN
17  I know not if this earth on which I stand is the core of the universe or if it is but a speck of dust lost in eternity.
Anthem By Ayn Rand
ContextHighlight   In PART ELEVEN
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