1 "Good night, Sir John," said the parson.
Tess of the d'Urbervilles By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In PART 1 The Maiden: I 2 'Tis the women's club-walking, Sir John.
Tess of the d'Urbervilles By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In PART 1 The Maiden: I 3 "Yes, you ought, perhaps, to ha done that," snored Sir John.
Tess of the d'Urbervilles By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In PART 1 The Maiden: VII 4 "Perhaps to show his diamond ring," murmured Sir John, dreamily, from his chair.
Tess of the d'Urbervilles By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In PART 1 The Maiden: VI 5 John Durbeyfield had more conceit than energy or health, and this supposition was pleasant to him.
Tess of the d'Urbervilles By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In PART 1 The Maiden: VI 6 He loved Paul of Tarsus, liked St John, hated St James as much as he dared, and regarded with mixed feelings Timothy, Titus, and Philemon.
Tess of the d'Urbervilles By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In PART 4 The Consequence: XXV 7 "Goodbye, my maid," said Sir John, raising his head from his breast as he suspended his nap, induced by a slight excess this morning in honour of the occasion.
Tess of the d'Urbervilles By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In PART 1 The Maiden: VII 8 In the reign of King John one of them was rich enough to give a manor to the Knights Hospitallers; and in Edward the Second's time your forefather Brian was summoned to Westminster to attend the great Council there.
Tess of the d'Urbervilles By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In PART 1 The Maiden: I 9 In memory of John Durbeyfield, rightly d'Urberville, of the once powerful family of that Name, and Direct Descendant through an illustrious Line from Sir Pagan d'Urberville, one of the Knights of the Conqueror.
Tess of the d'Urbervilles By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In PART 7 Fulfilment: LIV 10 This condition of mind, wherein she felt glorified by an irradiation not her own, like the angel whom St John saw in the sun, lasted till the sound of the church bells had died away, and the emotions of the wedding-service had calmed down.
Tess of the d'Urbervilles By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In PART 4 The Consequence: XXXIII 11 On inquiry of these precious innocents, to whom even the name of their predecessors was a failing memory, Clare learned that John Durbeyfield was dead; that his widow and children had left Marlott, declaring that they were going to live at Kingsbere, but instead of doing so had gone on to another place they mentioned.
Tess of the d'Urbervilles By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In PART 7 Fulfilment: LIV 12 Parson Tringham had spoken truly when he said that our shambling John Durbeyfield was the only really lineal representative of the old d'Urberville family existing in the county, or near it; he might have added, what he knew very well, that the Stoke-d'Urbervilles were no more d'Urbervilles of the true tree then he was himself.
Tess of the d'Urbervilles By Thomas HardyContextHighlight In PART 1 The Maiden: V