MONTCALM in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper
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 Current Search - Montcalm in The Last of the Mohicans
1  Then, as became his superior rank and the nature of the interview, Montcalm broke the silence.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 16
2  Montcalm, in his turn, slightly bowed, but it was with the air of a man too practised to remember the language of flattery.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 15
3  By this time, the message of Montcalm was as much forgotten by him who bore it as by the man for whose ears it was intended.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 16
4  We are now fortified, garrisoned, and provisioned," cried Heyward cheerfully, "and may set Montcalm and his allies at defiance.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 5
5  He had been fond of believing, from the uncommon forbearance of the savages, that he was reserved as a prisoner to be delivered to Montcalm.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 10
6  The marquis of Montcalm was, at the period of which we write, in the flower of his age, and, it may be added, in the zenith of his fortunes.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 15
7  Montcalm waited patiently until this little dialogue in demi-voice was ended, when he drew nigher, and opened the subject of their conference.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 16
8  Both mused a little while in silence, when Montcalm renewed the conversation, in a way that showed he believed the visit of his guest was solely to propose terms of capitulation.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 15
9  Montcalm followed him as far as the entrance of the marquee, renewing his invitations to the commandant of the fort to give him an immediate meeting in the open ground between the two armies.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 15
10  The instant he caught a glimpse of the white plume that waved in the hat of Montcalm, his eye lighted, and age no longer appeared to possess any influence over his vast and still muscular person.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 16
11  As soon as this slight salutation had passed, Montcalm moved toward them with a quick but graceful step, baring his head to the veteran, and dropping his spotless plume nearly to the earth in courtesy.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 16
12  Sir, you can; the marquis of Montcalm has, in addition to his other civilities, invited me to a personal interview between the works and his own camp; in order, as he says, to impart some additional information.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 15
13  "Monsieur de Montcalm will readily acknowledge the difference in our situation," he said, with some embarrassment, pointing at the same time toward those dangerous foes, who were to be seen in almost every direction.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 16
14  Montcalm had filled the woods of the portage with his savages, every yell and whoop from whom rang through the British encampment, chilling the hearts of men who were already but too much disposed to magnify the danger.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 15
15  Ces messieurs-la," said Montcalm, following up the advantage which he conceived he had gained, "are most formidable when baffled; and it is unnecessary to tell you with what difficulty they are restrained in their anger.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 15
16  The veteran Scotchman just named held the first, with a regiment of regulars and a few provincials; a force really by far too small to make head against the formidable power that Montcalm was leading to the foot of his earthen mounds.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 1
17  Sometimes he fancied the wary savage, despairing of passing the army of Montcalm in safety, was holding his way toward a well-known border settlement, where a distinguished officer of the crown, and a favored friend of the Six Nations, held his large possessions, as well as his usual residence.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 10
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