1 She went down the path and through the second green door.
2 She ran around the shrubs and paths towards the secret garden.
3 He did not walk quickly, but slowly, and his eyes were on the path.
4 Not a human creature was to be caught sight of in the paths they took.
5 She led him round the laurel path and to the walk where the ivy grew so thickly.
6 She walked round and round the gardens and wandered about the paths in the park.
7 There were gardens and paths and big trees, but everything looked dull and wintry.
8 She was making heaps of earth and paths for a garden and Basil came and stood near to watch her.
9 He had indeed begun to wonder if it might not be wise to send some one out to explore the garden paths.
10 She was just thinking this when she saw that, at the end of the path she was following, there seemed to be a long wall, with ivy growing over it.
11 It was a good long skip and she began slowly, but before she had gone half-way down the path she was so hot and breathless that she was obliged to stop.
12 She thought of the robin and of the way he seemed to sing his song at her, and as she remembered the tree-top he perched on she stopped rather suddenly on the path.
13 There seemed to have been grass paths here and there, and in one or two corners there were alcoves of evergreen with stone seats or tall moss-covered flower urns in them.
14 He sat on the seats in the alcoves, and once or twice he sat down on the grass and several times he paused in the path and leaned on Dickon, but he would not give up until he had gone all round the garden.
15 They would go up this path and down that one and cross the other and go round among the fountain flower-beds as if they were looking at the "bedding-out plants" the head gardener, Mr. Roach, had been having arranged.
16 Then she ran down the path through the other door and then into the orchard, and when she stood and looked up there was the tree on the other side of the wall, and there was the robin just finishing his song and, beginning to preen his feathers with his beak.
17 She did not know that this was the best thing she could have done, and she did not know that, when she began to walk quickly or even run along the paths and down the avenue, she was stirring her slow blood and making herself stronger by fighting with the wind which swept down from the moor.
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