1 Peace with the landlord, in addition to Athos's old horse, cost six pistoles.
2 de Treville to the others, as may be perceived; but he thought this addition would do no harm.
3 Then that which spurred her on additionally in the midst of all this was the remembrance of the cardinal.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 56 CAPTIVITY: THE FIFTH DAY 4 In addition to this he perceived that the top of a wardrobe and the marble of a commode were covered with empty bottles.
5 The soil was humid and glittering with the rain which had recently fallen, and the refreshed herbs sent forth their perfume with additional energy.
6 In addition to the leeves of the king and the cardinal, there might be reckoned in Paris at that time more than two hundred smaller but still noteworthy leeves.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 2 THE ANTECHAMBER OF M. DE TREVILLE 7 The young woman continued to advance; and in addition to the lightness of her step, which had betrayed her, she emitted a little cough which denoted a sweet voice.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 11 IN WHICH THE PLOT THICKENS 8 Then, in addition to these concealed or public, secret or open wars, there were robbers, mendicants, Huguenots, wolves, and scoundrels, who made war upon everybody.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 1 THE THREE PRESENTS OF D'ARTAGNAN THE ELDER 9 In addition to this, after a half hour's conversation d'Artagnan was convinced that Milady was his compatriot; she spoke French with an elegance and a purity that left no doubt on that head.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 31 ENGLISH AND FRENCH 10 Athos, whose acquaintance I made about that period, and Porthos, who had in addition to my lessons taught me some effective tricks of fence, prevailed upon me to solicit the uniform of a Musketeer.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 26 ARAMIS AND HIS THESIS 11 By day they did nothing but ascend and descend the steps which led to the chapel; at night, in addition to complines and matins, they were further obliged to leap twenty times out of their beds and prostrate themselves on the floor of their cells.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 16 IN WHICH M. SEGUIER, KEEPER OF THE SEALS, LOOKS MORE THAN ONCE FOR THE BELL 12 In exchange for all this, he had acquired the protection and good will of the queen; but the favor of the queen was at the present time an additional cause of persecution, and her protection, as it was known, protected badly--as witness Chalais and Mme.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 41 THE SEIGE OF LA ROCHELLE 13 In fact, in addition to that yellow, sickly paleness which indicates the insinuation of the bile in the blood, and which might, besides, be accidental, d'Artagnan remarked something perfidiously significant in the play of the wrinkled features of his countenance.
14 Such as were rich gave in addition a part of their money; and a vast number of heroes of that gallant period may be cited who would neither have won their spurs in the first place, nor their battles afterward, without the purse, more or less furnished, which their mistress fastened to the saddle bow.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 11 IN WHICH THE PLOT THICKENS 15 In addition to the sword, there was a portrait representing a nobleman of the time of Henry III, dressed with the greatest elegance, and who wore the Order of the Holy Ghost; and this portrait had certain resemblances of lines with Athos, certain family likenesses which indicated that this great noble, a knight of the Order of the King, was his ancestor.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 7 THE INTERIOR* OF THE MUSKETEERS