AFRAID in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
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 Current Search - afraid in The Picture of Dorian Gray
1  I adore it, but I am afraid of it.
The Picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 4
2  I grew afraid and turned to quit the room.
The Picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 1
3  People are afraid of themselves, nowadays.
The Picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 2
4  But I am afraid I cannot claim my theory as my own.
The Picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 6
5  But the bravest man amongst us is afraid of himself.
The Picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 2
6  But he felt afraid of him, and ashamed of being afraid.
The Picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 2
7  You are very pressing, Basil, but I am afraid I must go.
The Picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 2
8  "I am afraid it is not Harry, Mr. Gray," answered a shrill voice.
The Picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 4
9  Dorian smiled and shook his head: "I am afraid I don't think so, Lady Henry."
The Picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 4
10  The reason we all like to think so well of others is that we are all afraid for ourselves.
The Picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 6
11  "I am afraid that your nephew is prejudiced against that great country," he said to Lady Agatha.
The Picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 3
12  There are many things that we would throw away if we were not afraid that others might pick them up.
The Picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 4
13  "I am afraid I must be going," exclaimed Lady Henry, breaking an awkward silence with her silly sudden laugh.
The Picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 4
14  Oh, there is really very little to tell, Harry," answered the painter; "and I am afraid you will hardly understand it.
The Picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 1
15  She was extremely annoyed at the tone he had adopted with her, and there was something in his look that had made her feel afraid.
The Picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 5
16  We degenerate into hideous puppets, haunted by the memory of the passions of which we were too much afraid, and the exquisite temptations that we had not the courage to yield to.
The Picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 2
17  He watched it with that strange interest in trivial things that we try to develop when things of high import make us afraid, or when we are stirred by some new emotion for which we cannot find expression, or when some thought that terrifies us lays sudden siege to the brain and calls on us to yield.
The Picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 2
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