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Quotes from Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
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 Current Search - all in Julius Caesar
1  Exeunt all but Brutus and Cassius.
Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT I
2  Give me your hands all over, one by one.
Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT II
3  I have been up this hour, awake all night.
Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT II
4  We all stand up against the spirit of Caesar, And in the spirit of men there is no blood.
Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT II
5  If I know this, know all the world besides, That part of tyranny that I do bear I can shake off at pleasure.
Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT I
6  Hold, my hand: Be factious for redress of all these griefs, And I will set this foot of mine as far As who goes farthest.
Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT I
7  It shall be said, his judgment rul'd our hands; Our youths and wildness shall no whit appear, But all be buried in his gravity.
Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT II
8  And there were drawn Upon a heap a hundred ghastly women, Transformed with their fear; who swore they saw Men, all in fire, walk up and down the streets.
Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT I
9  These growing feathers pluck'd from Caesar's wing Will make him fly an ordinary pitch, Who else would soar above the view of men, And keep us all in servile fearfulness.
Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT I
10  Truly, sir, all that I live by is with the awl; I meddle with no tradesman's matters, nor women's matters, but withal I am indeed, sir, a surgeon to old shoes: when they are in great danger, I recover them.
Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT I
11  Go, go, good countrymen, and, for this fault Assemble all the poor men of your sort, Draw them to Tiber banks, and weep your tears Into the channel, till the lowest stream Do kiss the most exalted shores of all.
Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT I
12  I will this night, In several hands, in at his windows throw, As if they came from several citizens, Writings, all tending to the great opinion That Rome holds of his name; wherein obscurely Caesar's ambition shall be glanced at.
Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT I
13  Good Cinna, take this paper, And look you lay it in the praetor's chair, Where Brutus may but find it; and throw this In at his window; set this up with wax Upon old Brutus' statue: all this done, Repair to Pompey's Porch, where you shall find us.
Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT I
14  Between the acting of a dreadful thing And the first motion, all the interim is Like a phantasma, or a hideous dream: The genius and the mortal instruments Are then in council; and the state of man, Like to a little kingdom, suffers then The nature of an insurrection.
Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT II
15  I think it is not meet, Mark Antony, so well belov'd of Caesar, Should outlive Caesar: we shall find of him A shrewd contriver; and you know, his means, If he improve them, may well stretch so far As to annoy us all; which to prevent, Let Antony and Caesar fall together.
Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT II
16  But, look you, Cassius, The angry spot doth glow on Caesar's brow, And all the rest look like a chidden train: Calphurnia's cheek is pale; and Cicero Looks with such ferret and such fiery eyes As we have seen him in the Capitol, Being cross'd in conference by some senators.
Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT I
17  And be not jealous on me, gentle Brutus: Were I a common laugher, or did use To stale with ordinary oaths my love To every new protester; if you know That I do fawn on men, and hug them hard, And after scandal them; or if you know That I profess myself in banqueting, To all the rout, then hold me dangerous.
Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare
ContextHighlight   In ACT I
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