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Quotes from Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
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 Current Search - appeared in Heart of Darkness
1  He appeared confounded for a moment.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
ContextHighlight   In III
2  No change appeared on the face of the rock.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
ContextHighlight   In I
3  He was just the kind of man who would wish to preserve appearances.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
ContextHighlight   In II
4  The manager appeared silently in the doorway; I stepped out at once and he drew the curtain after me.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
ContextHighlight   In III
5  I must say that to me it appeared about the most dangerous thing in every way he had come upon so far.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
ContextHighlight   In III
6  Suddenly round the corner of the house a group of men appeared, as though they had come up from the ground.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
ContextHighlight   In III
7  I put the helm hard a-starboard at the moment when the pilgrim in pink pyjamas, very hot and agitated, appeared in the doorway.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
ContextHighlight   In II
8  His appearance was certainly that of a hairdresser's dummy; but in the great demoralization of the land he kept up his appearance.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
ContextHighlight   In I
9  The side of his head hit the wheel twice, and the end of what appeared a long cane clattered round and knocked over a little camp-stool.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
ContextHighlight   In II
10  I put down the glass, and the head that had appeared near enough to be spoken to seemed at once to have leaped away from me into inaccessible distance.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
ContextHighlight   In III
11  White men with long staves in their hands appeared languidly from amongst the buildings, strolling up to take a look at me, and then retired out of sight somewhere.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
ContextHighlight   In I
12  A rocky cliff appeared, mounds of turned-up earth by the shore, houses on a hill, others, with iron roofs, amongst a waste of excavations, or hanging to the declivity.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
ContextHighlight   In I
13  The banks looked pretty well alike, the depth appeared the same; but as I had been informed the station was on the west side, I naturally headed for the western passage.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
ContextHighlight   In II
14  Something big appeared in the air before the shutter, the rifle went overboard, and the man stepped back swiftly, looked at me over his shoulder in an extraordinary, profound, familiar manner, and fell upon my feet.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
ContextHighlight   In II
15  He withdrew upon some threat of legal proceedings, and I saw him no more; but another fellow, calling himself Kurtz's cousin, appeared two days later, and was anxious to hear all the details about his dear relative's last moments.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
ContextHighlight   In III
16  But both the diabolic love and the unearthly hate of the mysteries it had penetrated fought for the possession of that soul satiated with primitive emotions, avid of lying fame, of sham distinction, of all the appearances of success and power.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
ContextHighlight   In III
17  There was a pause of profound stillness, then a match flared, and Marlow's lean face appeared, worn, hollow, with downward folds and dropped eyelids, with an aspect of concentrated attention; and as he took vigorous draws at his pipe, it seemed to retreat and advance out of the night in the regular flicker of the tiny flame.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
ContextHighlight   In II
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