BIRD in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Grimms' Fairy Tales by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
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 Current Search - bird in Grimms' Fairy Tales
1  In reality the bird was the willow-wren.
Grimms' Fairy Tales By Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
2  And the one, which he had found on a tree was called Fundevogel, because a bird had carried it away.
Grimms' Fairy Tales By Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
ContextHighlight   In FUNDEVOGEL
3  But the arrow did the bird no harm; only it dropped a golden feather from its tail, and then flew away.
Grimms' Fairy Tales By Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
ContextHighlight   In THE GOLDEN BIRD
4  Then there was great rejoicing made; but the horse would not eat, the bird would not sing, and the princess wept.
Grimms' Fairy Tales By Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
ContextHighlight   In THE GOLDEN BIRD
5  This, too, happened as the fox said; they carried off the bird, the princess mounted again, and they rode on to a great wood.
Grimms' Fairy Tales By Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
ContextHighlight   In THE GOLDEN BIRD
6  But the bird set up such a loud scream that all the soldiers awoke, and they took him prisoner and carried him before the king.
Grimms' Fairy Tales By Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
ContextHighlight   In THE GOLDEN BIRD
7  Then the fox said, 'Do not shoot me, for I will give you good counsel; I know what your business is, and that you want to find the golden bird.'
Grimms' Fairy Tales By Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
ContextHighlight   In THE GOLDEN BIRD
8  But it was agreed, that, if he could bring thither the beautiful princess, he should live, and have the bird and the horse given him for his own.
Grimms' Fairy Tales By Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
ContextHighlight   In THE GOLDEN BIRD
9  So he dressed himself as a poor man, and came secretly to the king's court, and was scarcely within the doors when the horse began to eat, and the bird to sing, and the princess left off weeping.
Grimms' Fairy Tales By Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
ContextHighlight   In THE GOLDEN BIRD
10  As the clock struck twelve he heard a rustling noise in the air, and a bird came flying that was of pure gold; and as it was snapping at one of the apples with its beak, the gardener's son jumped up and shot an arrow at it.
Grimms' Fairy Tales By Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
ContextHighlight   In THE GOLDEN BIRD
11  Before the castle gate all was as the fox had said: so the son went in and found the chamber where the golden bird hung in a wooden cage, and below stood the golden cage, and the three golden apples that had been lost were lying close by it.
Grimms' Fairy Tales By Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
ContextHighlight   In THE GOLDEN BIRD
12  Then the gardener's eldest son set out and thought to find the golden bird very easily; and when he had gone but a little way, he came to a wood, and by the side of the wood he saw a fox sitting; so he took his bow and made ready to shoot at it.
Grimms' Fairy Tales By Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
ContextHighlight   In THE GOLDEN BIRD
13  The next morning the court sat to judge him; and when all was heard, it sentenced him to die, unless he should bring the king the golden horse which could run as swiftly as the wind; and if he did this, he was to have the golden bird given him for his own.
Grimms' Fairy Tales By Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
ContextHighlight   In THE GOLDEN BIRD
14  So he said, 'Yes,' and forgot the fox's counsel, and sat down on the side of the river; and while he suspected nothing, they came behind, and threw him down the bank, and took the princess, the horse, and the bird, and went home to the king their master, and said.
Grimms' Fairy Tales By Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
ContextHighlight   In THE GOLDEN BIRD
15  He followed the sound, and at last came to a high tree, and at the top of this a little child was sitting, for the mother had fallen asleep under the tree with the child, and a bird of prey had seen it in her arms, had flown down, snatched it away, and set it on the high tree.
Grimms' Fairy Tales By Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
ContextHighlight   In FUNDEVOGEL
16  Time passed on again, and the youngest son too wished to set out into the wide world to seek for the golden bird; but his father would not listen to it for a long while, for he was very fond of his son, and was afraid that some ill luck might happen to him also, and prevent his coming back.
Grimms' Fairy Tales By Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
ContextHighlight   In THE GOLDEN BIRD
17  He met the fox, who gave him the good advice: but when he came to the two inns, his eldest brother was standing at the window where the merrymaking was, and called to him to come in; and he could not withstand the temptation, but went in, and forgot the golden bird and his country in the same manner.
Grimms' Fairy Tales By Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
ContextHighlight   In THE GOLDEN BIRD
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