1 Boys," said Haley, coming up, briskly, "I hope you keep up good heart, and are cheerful.
2 When, therefore, Sam indicated the road, Haley plunged briskly into it, followed by Sam and Andy.
3 The different men on the list were soon knocked off at prices which showed a pretty brisk demand in the market; two of them fell to Haley.
4 "Wal, yes, tol'able fast, ther dying is; what with the 'climating and one thing and another, they dies so as to keep the market up pretty brisk," said Haley.'
5 A little while after supper, a large covered-wagon drew up before the door; the night was clear starlight; and Phineas jumped briskly down from his seat to arrange his passengers.
6 I spects I 's the wickedest critter in the world; and Topsy would cut a summerset, and come up brisk and shining on to a higher perch, and evidently plume herself on the distinction.'
7 He drank more brandy than usual; held up his head briskly, and swore louder than ever in the daytime; but he had bad dreams, and the visions of his head on his bed were anything but agreeable.
8 There is a brisk lookout on the toilet; injunctions passed around to every one to put on their best face and be spry; and now all are arranged in a circle for a last review, before they are marched up to the Bourse.
9 She sewed and stitched away, from daylight till dark, with the energy of one who is pressed on by some immediate urgency; and then, when the light faded, and the work was folded away, with one turn out came the ever-ready knitting-work, and there she was again, going on as briskly as ever.