1 And Hallward walked towards the corner of the room.
2 When he reached the library, he saw the bag and coat in the corner.
3 The crimson spot of a prowling hansom gleamed at the corner and then vanished.
4 In the left-hand corner was his own name, traced in long letters of bright vermilion.
5 In black fantastic shapes, dumb shadows crawl into the corners of the room and crouch there.
6 He broke from her with an oath and rushed to the corner of the street, but Dorian Gray had disappeared.
7 The bright dawn flooded the room and swept the fantastic shadows into dusky corners, where they lay shuddering.
8 Two green-and-white butterflies fluttered past them, and in the pear-tree at the corner of the garden a thrush began to sing.
9 On a heap of sacking in the far corner was lying the dead body of a man dressed in a coarse shirt and a pair of blue trousers.
10 As they turned a corner, a woman yelled something at them from an open door, and two men ran after the hansom for about a hundred yards.
11 At the corner of the pine-wood he caught sight of Sir Geoffrey Clouston, the duchess's brother, jerking two spent cartridges out of his gun.
12 "It is quite finished," he cried at last, and stooping down he wrote his name in long vermilion letters on the left-hand corner of the canvas.
13 "Thanks, I won't have anything more," said the painter, taking his cap and coat off and throwing them on the bag that he had placed in the corner.
14 At the corner of Grosvenor Square and South Audley Street, a man passed him in the mist, walking very fast and with the collar of his grey ulster turned up.
15 His extraordinary absences became notorious, and, when he used to reappear again in society, men would whisper to each other in corners, or pass him with a sneer, or look at him with cold searching eyes, as though they were determined to discover his secret.
16 In one corner, with his head buried in his arms, a sailor sprawled over a table, and by the tawdrily painted bar that ran across one complete side stood two haggard women, mocking an old man who was brushing the sleeves of his coat with an expression of disgust.