1 The faint hum and rattle of machinery still stirred the crimson air in the Embryo-Store.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter III 2 His back was horizontally streaked with crimson, and from weal to weal ran thin trickles of blood.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter XVIII 3 Behind them, in the west, the crimson and orange were almost faded; a dark bank of cloud had crept into the zenith.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter V 4 For the safety of night-flying planes, its four tall chimneys were flood-lighted and tipped with crimson danger signals.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter V 5 Looking over her left shoulder she could see the imprint of an open hand standing out distinct and crimson on the pearly flesh.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter XIII 6 He had emerged from that crimson twilight into the common electric glare with a self-consciousness intensified to the pitch of agony.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter V 7 Henry detected the weariness in those purple eyes, the pallor beneath that glaze of lupus, the sadness at the corners of the unsmiling crimson mouth.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter XIII 8 And in effect the sultry darkness into which the students now followed him was visible and crimson, like the darkness of closed eyes on a summer's afternoon.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter I 9 Bending over him, the old man touched his back with a long white feather, held it up for a moment, crimson, for the people to see, then shook it thrice over the snakes.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter VII 10 And as they sang, the lights began slowly to fade--to fade and at the same time to grow warmer, richer, redder, until at last they were dancing in the crimson twilight of an Embryo Store.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter V 11 From the Social Predestination Room the escalators went rumbling down into the basement, and there, in the crimson darkness, stewingly warm on their cushion of peritoneum and gorged with blood-surrogate and hormones, the foetuses grew and grew or, poisoned, languished into a stunted Epsilonhood.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter X 12 Flood-lighted, its three hundred and twenty metres of white Carrara-surrogate gleamed with a snowy incandescence over Ludgate Hill; at each of the four corners of its helicopter platform an immense T shone crimson against the night, and from the mouths of twenty-four vast golden trumpets rumbled a solemn synthetic music.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter V