1 That was one of her unhappy, disagreeable ways.
2 At least things don't so often disagree with me.
3 This afternoon he did not give any medicine or leave any new orders and he was spared any disagreeable scenes.
4 Mary hated their untidy bungalow and was so disagreeable to them that after the first day or two nobody would play with her.
5 She did not know that this was because she was a disagreeable child; but then, of course, she did not know she was disagreeable.
6 She thought Mrs. Medlock the most disagreeable person she had ever seen, with her common, highly colored face and her common fine bonnet.
7 "Nothing disagrees with me now" replied Colin, and then seeing the nurse looking at him curiously he suddenly remembered that perhaps he ought not to appear too well just yet.
8 Much more surprising things can happen to any one who, when a disagreeable or discouraged thought comes into his mind, just has the sense to remember in time and push it out by putting in an agreeable determinedly courageous one.
9 So long as Mistress Mary's mind was full of disagreeable thoughts about her dislikes and sour opinions of people and her determination not to be pleased by or interested in anything, she was a yellow-faced, sickly, bored and wretched child.
10 When her mind gradually filled itself with robins, and moorland cottages crowded with children, with queer crabbed old gardeners and common little Yorkshire housemaids, with springtime and with secret gardens coming alive day by day, and also with a moor boy and his "creatures," there was no room left for the disagreeable thoughts which affected her liver and her digestion and made her yellow and tired.