1 No sensible man, it was confessed, could doubt on which side the victory would turn.
2 But Hester could not resolve the query, being herself in a dismal labyrinth of doubt.
3 It was certainly a doubtful charm, imparting a hard, metallic lustre to the child's character.
4 It was no wonder that they thus questioned one another's actual and bodily existence, and even doubted of their own.
The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel HawthorneContextHighlight In XVII. THE PASTOR AND HIS PARISHIONER 5 But Pearl's laugh, when she was caught, though full of merriment and music, made her mother more doubtful than before.
6 He felt his limbs growing stiff with the unaccustomed chilliness of the night, and doubted whether he should be able to descend the steps of the scaffold.
The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel HawthorneContextHighlight In XII. THE MINISTER'S VIGIL 7 Yet he trembled, and turned to Hester, with an expression of doubt and anxiety in his eyes, not the less evidently betrayed, that there was a feeble smile upon his lips.
The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel HawthorneContextHighlight In XXIII. THE REVELATION OF THE SCARLET LETTER 8 At times a fearful doubt strove to possess her soul, whether it were not better to send Pearl at once to Heaven, and go herself to such futurity as Eternal Justice should provide.
The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel HawthorneContextHighlight In XIII. ANOTHER VIEW OF HESTER 9 It was impossible to doubt that, whatever painful efficacy there might be in the secret sting of remorse, a deadlier venom had been infused into it by the hand that proffered relief.
The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel HawthorneContextHighlight In XIII. ANOTHER VIEW OF HESTER 10 A fox, startled from his sleep by her light footstep on the leaves, looked inquisitively at Pearl, as doubting whether it were better to steal off, or renew his nap on the same spot.
The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel HawthorneContextHighlight In XVIII. A FLOOD OF SUNSHINE 11 He presented the cup to Hester, who received it with a slow, earnest look into his face; not precisely a look of fear, yet full of doubt and questioning as to what his purposes might be.
12 This morbid meddling of conscience with an immaterial matter betokened, it is to be feared, no genuine and steadfast penitence, but something doubtful, something that might be deeply wrong beneath.
The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel HawthorneContextHighlight In V. HESTER AT HER NEEDLE 13 We doubt whether any marked event, for good or evil, ever befell New England, from its settlement down to revolutionary times, of which the inhabitants had not been previously warned by some spectacle of its nature.
The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel HawthorneContextHighlight In XII. THE MINISTER'S VIGIL 14 In these lengthened vigils, his brain often reeled, and visions seemed to flit before him; perhaps seen doubtfully, and by a faint light of their own, in the remote dimness of the chamber, or more vividly and close beside him, within the looking-glass.
The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel HawthorneContextHighlight In XI. THE INTERIOR OF A HEART 15 Beyond the shadow of a doubt, this venerable witch-lady had heard Mr. Dimmesdale's outcry, and interpreted it, with its multitudinous echoes and reverberations, as the clamour of the fiends and night-hags, with whom she was well known to make excursions in the forest.
The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel HawthorneContextHighlight In XII. THE MINISTER'S VIGIL 16 Nor did she put the question altogether idly, but, for the moment, with a portion of genuine earnestness; for, such was Pearl's wonderful intelligence, that her mother half doubted whether she were not acquainted with the secret spell of her existence, and might not now reveal herself.
17 There could be little doubt, for instance, that this very ship's crew, though no unfavourable specimens of the nautical brotherhood, had been guilty, as we should phrase it, of depredations on the Spanish commerce, such as would have perilled all their necks in a modern court of justice.
The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel HawthorneContextHighlight In XXI. THE NEW ENGLAND HOLIDAY Your search result may include more than 17 sentences. If you upgrade to a VIP account, you will see up to 500 sentences for one search.