DREAMED in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Animal Farm by George Orwell
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 Current Search - dreamed in Animal Farm
1  But I will come to the dream later.
Animal Farm By George Orwell
ContextHighlight   In Chapter I
2  I cannot describe that dream to you.
Animal Farm By George Orwell
ContextHighlight   In Chapter I
3  None of the old dreams had been abandoned.
Animal Farm By George Orwell
ContextHighlight   In Chapter X
4  Last night, however, it came back to me in my dream.
Animal Farm By George Orwell
ContextHighlight   In Chapter I
5  And now, comrades, I will tell you about my dream of last night.
Animal Farm By George Orwell
ContextHighlight   In Chapter I
6  It was a dream of the earth as it will be when Man has vanished.
Animal Farm By George Orwell
ContextHighlight   In Chapter I
7  Comrades, you have heard already about the strange dream that I had last night.
Animal Farm By George Orwell
ContextHighlight   In Chapter I
8  The hens woke up squawking with terror because they had all dreamed simultaneously of hearing a gun go off in the distance.
Animal Farm By George Orwell
ContextHighlight   In Chapter VI
9  Word had gone round during the day that old Major, the prize Middle White boar, had had a strange dream on the previous night and wished to communicate it to the other animals.
Animal Farm By George Orwell
ContextHighlight   In Chapter I
10  But the luxuries of which Snowball had once taught the animals to dream, the stalls with electric light and hot and cold water, and the three-day week, were no longer talked about.
Animal Farm By George Orwell
ContextHighlight   In Chapter X
11  The three hens who had been the ringleaders in the attempted rebellion over the eggs now came forward and stated that Snowball had appeared to them in a dream and incited them to disobey Napoleon's orders.
Animal Farm By George Orwell
ContextHighlight   In Chapter VII