EAT in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
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 Current Search - eat in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
1  Mr Dedalus covered the dish and began to eat hungrily.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 1
2  They were not to eat of the fruit of the forbidden tree.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 3
3  Mrs Dedalus was eating little and Dante sat with her hands in her lap.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 1
4  He winked at Stephen and, replacing the dish-cover, began to eat again.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 1
5  Saw her drinking tea and eating cakes in Johnston's, Mooney and O'Brien's.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 5
6  I think I had better eat it myself because I'm not well in my health lately.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 1
7  He sat looking at the two prints of butter on his plate but could not eat the damp bread.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 1
8  Crocodile said all right if she told him what he was going to do with the child, eat it or not eat It.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 5
9  Cranly had taken another dried fig from the supply in his pocket and was eating it slowly and noisily.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 5
10  He saw himself walking about the grounds watching the sports in Clongowes and eating slim jim out of his cricket cap.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 4
11  He could not eat the blackish fish fritters they got on Wednesdays in lent and one of his potatoes had the mark of the spade in it.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 1
12  When you told me that night in Harcourt Street those things about your private life, honest to God, Stevie, I was not able to eat my dinner.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 5
13  It was like a train going in and out of tunnels and that was like the noise of the boys eating in the refectory when you opened and closed the flaps of the ears.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 1
14  He thought it should be a pleasant life enough, driving along the roads every evening to deliver milk, if he had warm gloves and a fat bag of gingernuts in his pocket to eat from.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 2
15  No touch of sin would linger upon the hands with which he would elevate and break the host; no touch of sin would linger on his lips in prayer to make him eat and drink damnation to himself not discerning the body of the Lord.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 4
16  He understood also why the servants had often whispered together in the hall and why his father had often stood on the hearthrug with his back to the fire, talking loudly to uncle Charles who urged him to sit down and eat his dinner.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 2
17  There was the smell of evening in the air, the smell of the fields in the country where they digged up turnips to peel them and eat them when they went out for a walk to Major Barton's, the smell there was in the little wood beyond the pavilion where the gallnuts were.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 1
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