1 Her friendship was a fatal sign which called down persecution.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 16 IN WHICH M. SEGUIER, KEEPER OF THE SEALS, LOOKS MORE THAN ONCE FOR THE BELL 2 She who out of friendship for me wished to take me from my persecutors.
3 One of the grand causes of this prejudice was the friendship of Anne of Austria for Mme.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 15 MEN OF THE ROBE AND MEN OF THE SWORD 4 The blows which he received increased greatly his esteem and friendship for Monsieur de Treville.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 1 THE THREE PRESENTS OF D'ARTAGNAN THE ELDER 5 The two nobles saluted each other politely, for if no friendship existed between them, there was at least esteem.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 6 HIS MAJESTY KING LOUIS XIII 6 Consequently he had appeared to believe all that the vainglorious Musketeer had told him, convinced that no friendship will hold out against a surprised secret.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 26 ARAMIS AND HIS THESIS 7 Patrick, who knew Lord de Winter was in affairs of the service, and in relations of friendship with the duke, gave the preference to the one who came in his name.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 59 WHAT TOOK PLACE AT PORTSMOUTH AUGUST 23, 1628 8 The cardinal accompanied his Majesty from Surgeres to Mauzes; and there the king and his minister took leave of each other with great demonstrations of friendship.
9 As you have several times since declared yourself the friend of that person, he thinks it his duty to respond to that friendship by sending you important information.
10 Treville had grasped the weak side of his master; and it was to this address that he owed the long and constant favor of a king who has not left the reputation behind him of being very faithful in his friendships.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 2 THE ANTECHAMBER OF M. DE TREVILLE 11 Dessessart, took up their quarters at the Minimes; but, as we know, d'Artagnan, possessed with ambition to enter the Musketeers, had formed but few friendships among his comrades, and he felt himself isolated and given up to his own reflections.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 41 THE SEIGE OF LA ROCHELLE 12 The friendship which united these four men, and the need they felt of seeing another three or four times a day, whether for dueling, business, or pleasure, caused them to be continually running after one another like shadows; and the Inseparables were constantly to be met with seeking one another, from the Luxembourg to the Place St. Sulpice, or from the Rue du Vieux-Colombier to the Luxembourg.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 7 THE INTERIOR* OF THE MUSKETEERS