1 Jurgis did not mind that, only he was frightened.
2 Kotrina, frightened by his manner, glanced at the others.
3 Little Stanislovas was also trembling, and all but too frightened to speak.
4 Of the latter the men were for the most part frightened and sheepish-looking.
5 They came at last to the house, and to the group of frightened women in the kitchen.
6 It was Aniele's kitchen, and huddled round the stove were half a dozen women, pale and frightened.
7 When they had gotten him to sleep, however, they sat by the kitchen fire and talked it over in frightened whispers.
8 They frightened him with their savage mockery; and all the while his heart was far away, where his loved ones were calling.
9 When Jurgis lifted up the mattress he discovered beneath it a layer of scurrying roaches, almost as badly frightened as himself.
10 He did not drink anything, because Elzbieta got his money for safekeeping, and knew him too well to be in the least frightened by his angry demands.
11 One of the first things he made out as he entered the room was Teta Elzbieta and little Kotrina, looking pale and frightened, seated far in the rear.
12 The frightened women were at their wits' end; one after another they tried to reason with him, to make him understand that this was the lot of woman.
13 In vain the frightened Tamoszius would attempt to speak, to plead the limitations of the flesh; in vain would the puffing and breathless ponas Jokubas insist, in vain would Teta Elzbieta implore.
14 Each crisis would leave Jurgis more and more frightened, more disposed to distrust Elzbieta's consolations, and to believe that there was some terrible thing about all this that he was not allowed to know.
15 The painting of cans being skilled piecework, and paying as much as two dollars a day, Marija burst in upon the family with the yell of a Comanche Indian, and fell to capering about the room so as to frighten the baby almost into convulsions.
16 Jurgis could take up a two-hundred-and-fifty-pound quarter of beef and carry it into a car without a stagger, or even a thought; and now he stood in a far corner, frightened as a hunted animal, and obliged to moisten his lips with his tongue each time before he could answer the congratulations of his friends.