1 "He's gone," she said woefully.
2 Mary remembered what he had asked her the day she had gone to his room.
3 She had finished her dinner and gone to her favorite seat on the hearth-rug.
4 "She thought you had gone mad like a dog," said Mary, not at all admiringly.
5 "Mrs. Craven was a very lovely young lady," he had gone on rather hesitatingly.
6 So she sat and looked at him curiously for a few minutes after Dr. Craven had gone.
7 After she was gone Mary turned down the walk which led to the door in the shrubbery.
8 The nurse was out of the room in a minute and as soon as she was gone Colin pulled Mary's hand again.
9 Suddenly it seemed as if he might be a sort of wood fairy who might be gone when she came into the garden again.
10 He had gone on rubbing his rust-red hair in a puzzled way, but a nice comforted look had begun to grow in his blue eyes.
11 She stood at the window for about ten minutes this morning after Martha had swept up the hearth for the last time and gone downstairs.
12 She always stopped to look at the children, and wonder what their names were, and where they had gone, and why they wore such odd clothes.
13 It was a good long skip and she began slowly, but before she had gone half-way down the path she was so hot and breathless that she was obliged to stop.
14 The nurse was just going to give up the case because she was so sick of him, but she says she doesn't mind staying now you've gone on duty with her, laughing a little.
15 He sat on the seats in the alcoves, and once or twice he sat down on the grass and several times he paused in the path and leaned on Dickon, but he would not give up until he had gone all round the garden.
16 She looked in the old border beds and among the grass, and after she had gone round, trying to miss nothing, she had found ever so many more sharp, pale green points, and she had become quite excited again.
17 Mary had liked to look at her mother from a distance and she had thought her very pretty, but as she knew very little of her she could scarcely have been expected to love her or to miss her very much when she was gone.
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