1 Jinny and I is good friends, ye know.
2 "I s'pose you've got good dogs," said Haley.
3 Master don't want to sell, and Missis she's always good.
4 No; I mean, really, Tom is a good, steady, sensible, pious fellow.
5 "Pray for them that 'spitefully use you, the good book says," says Tom.'
6 I wish I could be good; but my heart burns, and can't be reconciled, anyhow.
7 'Thar,' says she, 'Tom, that's to be your young Mas'r; take good care on him,' says she.
8 "Missis is a heap too good for us," said Sam, making his bow with alacrity, and departing.
9 I'm sorry, very sorry, Emily," said Mr. Shelby, "I'm sorry this takes hold of you so; but it will do no good.
10 Somewhat mollified by certain cups of very good coffee, he came out smiling and talking, in tolerably restored humor.
11 Sam approached with as good a determination to pay court as did ever suitor after a vacant place at St. James' or Washington.
12 He fetched me a good sum, too, for I bought him cheap of a man that was 'bliged to sell out; so I realized six hundred on him.'
13 And you need not exult over him, good brother of the Southern States; for we have some inklings that many of you, under similar circumstances, would not do much better.
14 Mr. Haley is a very nice man, no doubt, and has his own conscience; and, Tom, you have your ways, and very good ones, too, Tom; but quarrelling, you know, won't answer no kind of purpose.
15 Behold, then, the candles lighted, the fire stimulated to the burning point in the grate, and our three worthies seated round a table, well spread with all the accessories to good fellowship enumerated before.
16 There is some sense in it, in your case; they have brought you up like a child, fed you, clothed you, indulged you, and taught you, so that you have a good education; that is some reason why they should claim you.
17 He was a large, broad-chested, powerfully-made man, of a full glossy black, and a face whose truly African features were characterized by an expression of grave and steady good sense, united with much kindliness and benevolence.
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