HOUSE in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from The Trial by Franz Kafka
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 Current Search - house in The Trial
1  He had never seen the man in this house before.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter One Arrest - Conversation with Mrs. Grubach - ...
2  "But I get the impression you don't pay much attention to what's going on in the lodging house," said Miss Montag.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Four Miss Bürstner's Friend
3  Everyone in the house must be taking part in it as well as all of you, that would be going beyond what could be a joke.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter One Arrest - Conversation with Mrs. Grubach - ...
4  From where he sat, he could see just a small, triangular section of it, part of the empty walls of houses between two shop windows.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Six K.'s uncle - Leni
5  He stood slowly up, looked at her, then across the table, then out the window - the house opposite stood there in the sun - and went to the door.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Four Miss Bürstner's Friend
6  Chocolate, as I am sure you are aware, disappears straight away in this lodging house, almost as soon as you know somebody has given you chocolate it is gone.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Six K.'s uncle - Leni
7  But he immediately realised that that would be shockingly excessive, and there would even be the suspicion that he was moving house because of the incidents of that morning.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter One Arrest - Conversation with Mrs. Grubach - ...
8  Maybe the order had been given to arrest some house painter - that seems possible after what the judge has said - someone who is as innocent as I am, but it was me they chose.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Two First Cross-examination
9  Your question, My Lord, as to whether I am a house painter - in fact even more than that, you did not ask at all but merely imposed it on me - is symptomatic of the whole way these proceedings against me are being carried out.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Two First Cross-examination
10  remembered how even as a small child he had noticed that nearly all the houses in this narrow square had the curtains at their windows closed most of the time, although today, with the weather like this, it was more understandable.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Nine In the Cathedral
11  He went straight to the painter, who lived in an outlying part of town which was very near to the court offices, although this area was even poorer, the houses were darker, the streets were full of dirt that slowly blew about over the half-melted snow.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter
12  diverted when Kullich pointed to the doorway of the house on the other side of the street where the large man with the blonde goatee beard appeared and, a little embarrassed at first at letting himself be seen in his full height, stepped back to the wall and leant against it.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
ContextHighlight   In Chapter One Arrest - Conversation with Mrs. Grubach - ...