IF IT in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Dracula by Bram Stoker
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 Current Search - if it in Dracula
1  I pray so; but if it be needed, then he shall know all.
Dracula By Bram Stoker
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER X
2  There may be a solemn duty; and if it come we must not shrink from it.
Dracula By Bram Stoker
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XIV
3  But if need be I shall come again in three days, and stay longer if it must.
Dracula By Bram Stoker
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER IX
4  My fear fell from me as if it had been a vaporous garment which dissolved in the warmth.
Dracula By Bram Stoker
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER IV
5  The day is close to us that must end all, if it may be so; and now is the chance that we may live and learn.
Dracula By Bram Stoker
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXI
6  Ah, it is the fault of our science that it wants to explain all; and if it explain not, then it says there is nothing to explain.
Dracula By Bram Stoker
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XIV
7  I am getting quite uneasy about him, though why I should I do not know; but I do wish that he would write, if it were only a single line.
Dracula By Bram Stoker
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VI
8  Bats usually wheel and flit about, but this one seemed to go straight on, as if it knew where it was bound for or had some intention of its own.
Dracula By Bram Stoker
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER IX
9  Of one thing I am glad: if it was that the Count carried me here and undressed me, he must have been hurried in his task, for my pockets are intact.
Dracula By Bram Stoker
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER IV
10  We now know of twenty-one boxes having been removed, and if it be that several were taken in any of these removals we may be able to trace them all.
Dracula By Bram Stoker
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XIX
11  God grant that no such time may ever come to you to break the sunshine of your life; but if it should ever come, promise me that you will let me know.
Dracula By Bram Stoker
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XVII
12  I have had a great shock, and when I try to think of what it is I feel my head spin round, and I do not know if it was all real or the dreaming of a madman.
Dracula By Bram Stoker
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER IX
13  I have read your letters to poor Lucy, and know how good you are and how your husband suffer; so I pray you, if it may be, enlighten him not, lest it may harm.
Dracula By Bram Stoker
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XIV
14  And if it be wanted; then, perhaps, if I am ready, poor Jonathan may not be upset, for I can speak for him and never let him be troubled or worried with it at all.
Dracula By Bram Stoker
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XIV
15  They said that if it had not been for the way their strength had been spent in carrying and raising the heavy boxes to the cart they would have made short work of him.
Dracula By Bram Stoker
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XII
16  It got thicker and thicker, till it seemed as if it became concentrated into a sort of pillar of cloud in the room, through the top of which I could see the light of the gas shining like a red eye.
Dracula By Bram Stoker
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XIX
17  I read that every known superstition in the world is gathered into the horseshoe of the Carpathians, as if it were the centre of some sort of imaginative whirlpool; if so my stay may be very interesting.
Dracula By Bram Stoker
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER I
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