IMMEDIATE in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen
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 Current Search - immediate in Northanger Abbey
1  Whatever might have been felt before her arrival, her eager declarations immediately made every look and sentence as friendly as she could desire.
Northanger Abbey By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 13
2  Then, opening the first door before her, which happened to be the right, she immediately found herself in the drawing-room with General Tilney, his son, and daughter.
Northanger Abbey By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 13
3  Soon after their reaching the bottom of the set, Catherine perceived herself to be earnestly regarded by a gentleman who stood among the lookers-on, immediately behind her partner.
Northanger Abbey By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 10
4  My dearest creature," cried Isabella, to whom the duty of friendship immediately called her before she could get into the carriage, "you have been at least three hours getting ready.
Northanger Abbey By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 9
5  To retire to bed, however, unsatisfied on such a point, would be vain, since sleep must be impossible with the consciousness of a cabinet so mysteriously closed in her immediate vicinity.
Northanger Abbey By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 21
6  Henry was alone in it; and his immediate hope of her having been undisturbed by the tempest, with an arch reference to the character of the building they inhabited, was rather distressing.
Northanger Abbey By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 22
7  The female part of the Thorpe family, attended by James Morland, appeared among the crowd in less than a quarter of an hour, and Catherine immediately took her usual place by the side of her friend.
Northanger Abbey By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 10
8  When she saw her, indeed, surrounded only by their immediate friends in Edgar's Buildings or Pulteney Street, her change of manners was so trifling that, had it gone no farther, it might have passed unnoticed.
Northanger Abbey By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 19
9  Catherine had nothing to oppose against such reasoning; and therefore, to show the independence of Miss Thorpe, and her resolution of humbling the sex, they set off immediately as fast as they could walk, in pursuit of the two young men.
Northanger Abbey By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 6
10  Early the next day, a note from Isabella, speaking peace and tenderness in every line, and entreating the immediate presence of her friend on a matter of the utmost importance, hastened Catherine, in the happiest state of confidence and curiosity, to Edgar's Buildings.
Northanger Abbey By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 15
11  Maria desired no greater pleasure than to speak of it; and Catherine immediately learnt that it had been altogether the most delightful scheme in the world, that nobody could imagine how charming it had been, and that it had been more delightful than anybody could conceive.
Northanger Abbey By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 15
12  Her habit therefore was thrown off with all possible haste, and she was preparing to unpin the linen package, which the chaise-seat had conveyed for her immediate accommodation, when her eye suddenly fell on a large high chest, standing back in a deep recess on one side of the fireplace.
Northanger Abbey By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 21
13  He looked as handsome and as lively as ever, and was talking with interest to a fashionable and pleasing-looking young woman, who leant on his arm, and whom Catherine immediately guessed to be his sister; thus unthinkingly throwing away a fair opportunity of considering him lost to her forever, by being married already.
Northanger Abbey By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 8
14  Mr. Tilney and his companion, who continued, though slowly, to approach, were immediately preceded by a lady, an acquaintance of Mrs. Thorpe; and this lady stopping to speak to her, they, as belonging to her, stopped likewise, and Catherine, catching Mr. Tilney's eye, instantly received from him the smiling tribute of recognition.
Northanger Abbey By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 8
15  Catherine, delighted at so happy an escape, spoke her pleasure aloud with grateful surprise; and her companion immediately made the matter perfectly simple by assuring her that it was entirely owing to the peculiarly judicious manner in which he had then held the reins, and the singular discernment and dexterity with which he had directed his whip.
Northanger Abbey By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 9
16  This, on arriving in Pulteney Street, took the direction of extraordinary hunger, and when that was appeased, changed into an earnest longing to be in bed; such was the extreme point of her distress; for when there she immediately fell into a sound sleep which lasted nine hours, and from which she awoke perfectly revived, in excellent spirits, with fresh hopes and fresh schemes.
Northanger Abbey By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 9
17  They retired whispering together; and, though her delicate sensibility did not take immediate alarm, and lay it down as fact, that Captain Tilney must have heard some malevolent misrepresentation of her, which he now hastened to communicate to his brother, in the hope of separating them forever, she could not have her partner conveyed from her sight without very uneasy sensations.
Northanger Abbey By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER 16
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