LEAVE in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from The Aeneid by Virgil
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 Current Search - leave in The Aeneid
1  At summons they bear away the helmet and shield, and leave palm and bull to Entellus.
The Aeneid By Virgil
ContextHighlight   In BOOK FIFTH
2  He burns to flee away and leave the pleasant land, aghast at the high warning and divine ordinance.
The Aeneid By Virgil
ContextHighlight   In BOOK FOURTH
3  All are of one mind, to leave the guilty land, and abandoning a polluted home, to let the gales waft our fleets.
The Aeneid By Virgil
ContextHighlight   In BOOK THIRD
4  So says he, and himself bids all the crowding throng withdraw from the long racecourse and leave the lists free.
The Aeneid By Virgil
ContextHighlight   In BOOK FIFTH
5  He spoke, and paced on before them, and from above shews the shining plains; thereafter they leave the mountain heights.
The Aeneid By Virgil
ContextHighlight   In BOOK SIXTH
6  Then I bid leave the harbour and sit down at the thwarts; emulously my comrades strike the water, and sweep through the seas.
The Aeneid By Virgil
ContextHighlight   In BOOK THIRD
7  Without delay, once our vows are fully paid, we round to the arms of our sailyards and leave the dwellings and menacing fields of the Grecian people.
The Aeneid By Virgil
ContextHighlight   In BOOK THIRD
8  Lo too, driving the Trojan matrons into guilt, she hath foully burned their ships, and forced them, their fleet lost, to leave the crews to an unknown land.
The Aeneid By Virgil
ContextHighlight   In BOOK FIFTH
9  This said, they take their place, and the signal once heard, dart over the course and leave the line, pouring forth like a storm-cloud while they mark the goal.
The Aeneid By Virgil
ContextHighlight   In BOOK FIFTH
10  But they take no violence on their plumage, nor wounds on their bodies; and soaring into the firmament with rapid flight, leave their foul traces on the spoil they had half consumed.
The Aeneid By Virgil
ContextHighlight   In BOOK THIRD
11  Thereupon, so soon as ocean may be trusted, and the winds leave the seas in quiet, and the soft whispering south wind calls seaward, my comrades launch their ships and crowd the shores.
The Aeneid By Virgil
ContextHighlight   In BOOK THIRD
12  Scarcely had the first summer set in, when lord Anchises bids us spread our sails to fortune, and weeping I leave the shores and havens of my country, and the plains where once was Troy.
The Aeneid By Virgil
ContextHighlight   In BOOK THIRD
13  As you leave the city there is a mound and ancient temple of Ceres lonely on it, and hard by an aged cypress, guarded many years in ancestral awe: to this resting-place let us gather from diverse quarters.
The Aeneid By Virgil
ContextHighlight   In BOOK SECOND
14  We leave the harbour of Ortygia, and fly along the main, by the revel-trod ridges of Naxos, by green Donusa, Olearos and snow-white Paros, and the sea-strewn Cyclades, threading the racing channels among the crowded lands.
The Aeneid By Virgil
ContextHighlight   In BOOK THIRD
15  Then Acragas on the steep, once the breeder of noble horses, displays its massive walls in the distance; and with granted breeze I leave thee behind, palm-girt Selinus, and thread the difficult shoals and blind reefs of Lilybaeum.
The Aeneid By Virgil
ContextHighlight   In BOOK THIRD
16  When they are come to the mountain heights and pathless coverts, lo, wild goats driven from the cliff-tops run down the ridge; in another quarter stags speed over the open plain and gather their flying column in a cloud of dust as they leave the hills.
The Aeneid By Virgil
ContextHighlight   In BOOK FOURTH
17  Next twin brothers leave Tibur town, and the people called by their brother Tiburtus' name, Catillus and valiant Coras, the Argives, and advance in the forefront of battle among the throng of spears: as when two cloud-born Centaurs descend from a lofty mountain peak, leaving Homole or snowy Othrys in rapid race; the mighty forest yields before them as they go, and the crashing thickets give them way.
The Aeneid By Virgil
ContextHighlight   In BOOK SEVENTH
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