1 Let us flood our cities with light.
2 Never had we seen rooms so full of light.
3 We look upon the light which we have made.
4 We care not about our body, but our light is.
5 But we could not follow, for we were losing the puddle of light behind us.
6 Then we smiled, for we thought of the light and that we had not betrayed it.
7 Yet here was light, light that came from nowhere, light from the heart of metal.
8 If we went back to hide in our tunnel, we would be found and our light found with us.
9 We can give our brothers a new light, cleaner and brighter than any they have ever known.
10 They would see nothing, save our crime of working alone, and they would destroy us and our light.
11 We can light our tunnel, and the City, and all the Cities of the world with nothing save metal and wires.
12 The light is dim, and we cannot see the Golden One, only one lock of gold on the pillow of an ancient bed.
13 It matters only that the light is precious and we should not waste it to write when we need it for that work which is our crime.
14 And as we all undress at night, in the dim light of the candles, our brothers are silent, for they dare not speak the thoughts of their minds.
15 Tomorrow, in the full light of day, we shall take our box, and leave our tunnel open, and walk through the streets to the Home of the Scholars.
16 The skin of their arms is like a blue mist, but their shoulders are white and glowing, as if the light fell not from above, but rose from under their skin.
17 Then the Golden One saw us, and they did not move, kneeling there, looking at us, and circles of light played upon their white tunic, from the sun on the water of the moat, and one sparkling drop fell from a finger of their hand held as frozen in the air.
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