LIGHT in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
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 Current Search - light in Of Mice and Men
1  The red light dimmed on the coals.
Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck
Context   In CHAPTER 1
2  And I seen your light, he explained.
Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck
Context   In CHAPTER 4
3  Well, I got a right to have a light.
Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck
Context   In CHAPTER 4
4  A light of understanding broke on Lennie's face.
Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck
Context   In CHAPTER 1
5  Slim moved back slightly so the light was not on his face.
Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck
Context   In CHAPTER 3
6  At the windows the light of the evening still made the window squares bright.
Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck
Context   In CHAPTER 3
7  In the stable buck's room a small electric globe threw a meager yellow light.
Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck
Context   In CHAPTER 4
8  Slim reached up over the card table and turned on the tin-shaded electric light.
Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck
Context   In CHAPTER 3
9  He walked to the other end of the bunkhouse and turned on the second shaded light.
Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck
Context   In CHAPTER 3
10  Then he picked a pulp magazine from his shelf and brought it to the light over the table.
Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck
Context   In CHAPTER 3
11  The sun streaks were high on the wall by now, and the light was growing soft in the barn.
Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck
Context   In CHAPTER 5
12  Only the tops of the Gabilan mountains flamed with the light of the sun that had gone from the valley.
Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck
Context   In CHAPTER 1
13  They took places opposite each other at the table under the light, but George did not shuffle the cards.
Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck
Context   In CHAPTER 3
14  The light climbed on out of the valley, and as it went, the tops of the mountains seemed to blaze with increasing brightness.
Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck
Context   In CHAPTER 6
15  Now the light was lifting as the sun went down, and the sun streaks climbed up the wall and fell over the feeding racks and over the heads of the horses.
Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck
Context   In CHAPTER 5
16  Instantly the table was brilliant with light, and the cone of the shade threw its brightness straight downward, leaving the corners of the bunkhouse still in dusk.
Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck
Context   In CHAPTER 3
17  They made their beds on the sand, and as the blaze dropped from the fire the sphere of light grew smaller; the curling branches disappeared and only a faint glimmer showed where the tree trunks were.
Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck
Context   In CHAPTER 1
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