1 Lucy still gazed at the lily pool.
2 my brother who rose from the depths of her lily pool.
3 Down in the dell, past the lily pool, the actors were undressing.
4 She splashed into the fine mesh like a great stone into the lily pool.
5 The lilies were shutting; the red lily, the white lily, each on its plate of leaf.
6 The lilies were shutting; the red lily, the white lily, each on its plate of leaf.
7 The scullery maid, before the plates came out, was cooling her cheeks by the lily pond.
8 Nature had provided a stretch of turf half a mile in length and level, till it suddenly dipped to the lily pool.
9 So none of them would walk by the lily pool at night, only now when the sun shone and the gentry still sat at table.
10 Beyond the lily pool the ground sank again, and in that dip of the ground, bushes and brambles had mobbed themselves together.
11 There had always been lilies there, self-sown from wind-dropped seed, floating red and white on the green plates of their leaves.
12 He wanted to see her, not against the tea urn, but with her glass green eyes and thick body, the neck was broad as a pillar, against an arum lily or a vine.
13 It was strange that the earth, with all those flowers incandescent--the lilies, the roses, and clumps of white flowers and bushes of burning green--should still be hard.