1 Madam, within; but never man so chang'd.
2 No, Regan, thou shalt never have my curse.
3 Where I could not be honest, I never yet was valiant.
4 I'll never care what wickedness I do, If this man come to good.
5 I never shall endure her, dear my lord, Be not familiar with her.
6 For there was never yet fair woman but she made mouths in a glass.
7 The oldest hath borne most; we that are young Shall never see so much, nor live so long.
8 I never gave you kingdom, call'd you children; You owe me no subscription: then let fall Your horrible pleasure.
9 If he be taken, he shall never more Be fear'd of doing harm: make your own purpose, How in my strength you please.
10 My life I never held but as a pawn To wage against thine enemies; ne'er fear to lose it, Thy safety being the motive.
11 Hold your hand, my lord: I have serv'd you ever since I was a child; But better service have I never done you Than now to bid you hold.
12 Since I was man, Such sheets of fire, such bursts of horrid thunder, Such groans of roaring wind and rain I never Remember to have heard.
13 As for the mercy Which he intends to Lear and to Cordelia, The battle done, and they within our power, Shall never see his pardon: for my state Stands on me to defend, not to debate.
14 Sure her offence Must be of such unnatural degree That monsters it, or your fore-vouch'd affection Fall into taint; which to believe of her Must be a faith that reason without miracle Should never plant in me.
15 I never gave him any: It pleas'd the King his master very late To strike at me, upon his misconstruction; When he, compact, and flattering his displeasure, Tripp'd me behind; being down, insulted, rail'd And put upon him such a deal of man, That worthied him, got praises of the King For him attempting who was self-subdu'd; And, in the fleshment of this dread exploit, Drew on me here again.