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Quotes from Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
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 Current Search - promise in Frankenstein
1  This promise drew from me the warmest thanks.
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley
ContextHighlight   In Letter 4
2  My promise fulfilled, the monster would depart forever.
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 18
3  Inspirited by this wind of promise, my daydreams become more fervent and vivid.
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley
ContextHighlight   In Letter 1
4  I had now neglected my promise for some time, and I feared the effects of the daemon's disappointment.
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 19
5  I have promised that someone should watch for him and give him instant notice if any new object should appear in sight.
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley
ContextHighlight   In Letter 4
6  They insisted, therefore, that I should engage with a solemn promise that if the vessel should be freed I would instantly direct my course southwards.
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 24
7  I thought with a sensation of madness on my promise of creating another like to him, and trembling with passion, tore to pieces the thing on which I was engaged.
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 20
8  A change indeed had taken place in me; my health, which had hitherto declined, was now much restored; and my spirits, when unchecked by the memory of my unhappy promise, rose proportionably.
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 18
9  Yes, he had followed me in my travels; he had loitered in forests, hid himself in caves, or taken refuge in wide and desert heaths; and he now came to mark my progress and claim the fulfilment of my promise.
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 20
10  I thought of the promise of virtues which he had displayed on the opening of his existence and the subsequent blight of all kindly feeling by the loathing and scorn which his protectors had manifested towards him.
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 17
11  I had before regarded my promise with a gloomy despair as a thing that, with whatever consequences, must be fulfilled; but I now felt as if a film had been taken from before my eyes and that I for the first time saw clearly.
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 20
12  The Turk quickly perceived the impression that his daughter had made on the heart of Felix and endeavoured to secure him more entirely in his interests by the promise of her hand in marriage so soon as he should be conveyed to a place of safety.
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 14
13  The modern masters promise very little; they know that metals cannot be transmuted and that the elixir of life is a chimera but these philosophers, whose hands seem only made to dabble in dirt, and their eyes to pore over the microscope or crucible, have indeed performed miracles.
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 3
14  The raising of ghosts or devils was a promise liberally accorded by my favourite authors, the fulfilment of which I most eagerly sought; and if my incantations were always unsuccessful, I attributed the failure rather to my own inexperience and mistake than to a want of skill or fidelity in my instructors.
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 2
15  Now all was blasted; instead of that serenity of conscience which allowed me to look back upon the past with self-satisfaction, and from thence to gather promise of new hopes, I was seized by remorse and the sense of guilt, which hurried me away to a hell of intense tortures such as no language can describe.
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 9
16  Safie resolved to remain with her father until the moment of his departure, before which time the Turk renewed his promise that she should be united to his deliverer; and Felix remained with them in expectation of that event; and in the meantime he enjoyed the society of the Arabian, who exhibited towards him the simplest and tenderest affection.
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 14
17  Clerval desired the intercourse of the men of genius and talent who flourished at this time, but this was with me a secondary object; I was principally occupied with the means of obtaining the information necessary for the completion of my promise and quickly availed myself of the letters of introduction that I had brought with me, addressed to the most distinguished natural philosophers.
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 19
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