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Current Search - rick in Tess of the d'Urbervilles
1 A panting ache ran through the rick.
Tess of the d'UrbervillesBy Thomas Hardy ContextHighlight In PART 6 The Convert: XLVIII
2 The sheaf-pitchers and feeders had now worked the rick so low that people on the ground could talk to them.
Tess of the d'UrbervillesBy Thomas Hardy ContextHighlight In PART 6 The Convert: XLVIII
3 The rick was unhaled by full daylight; the men then took their places, the women mounted, and the work began.
Tess of the d'UrbervillesBy Thomas Hardy ContextHighlight In PART 6 The Convert: XLVII
4 The other workfolk were by this time all gathered under the rick, where the loose straw formed a comfortable retreat.
Tess of the d'UrbervillesBy Thomas Hardy ContextHighlight In PART 6 The Convert: XLVII
5 The voices and laughs of the workfolk eating and drinking under the rick came to her as if they were a quarter of a mile off.
Tess of the d'UrbervillesBy Thomas Hardy ContextHighlight In PART 6 The Convert: XLVII
6 The long strap which ran from the driving-wheel of his engine to the red thresher under the rick was the sole tie-line between agriculture and him.
Tess of the d'UrbervillesBy Thomas Hardy ContextHighlight In PART 6 The Convert: XLVII
7 In the afternoon the farmer made it known that the rick was to be finished that night, since there was a moon by which they could see to work, and the man with the engine was engaged for another farm on the morrow.
Tess of the d'UrbervillesBy Thomas Hardy ContextHighlight In PART 6 The Convert: XLVIII
8 As Tess and the man who fed could never turn their heads she did not know that just before the dinner-hour a person had come silently into the field by the gate, and had been standing under a second rick watching the scene and Tess in particular.
Tess of the d'UrbervillesBy Thomas Hardy ContextHighlight In PART 6 The Convert: XLVII
9 Whenever Tess lifted her head she beheld always the great upgrown straw-stack, with the men in shirt-sleeves upon it, against the gray north sky; in front of it the long red elevator like a Jacob's ladder, on which a perpetual stream of threshed straw ascended, a yellow river running uphill, and spouting out on the top of the rick.
Tess of the d'UrbervillesBy Thomas Hardy ContextHighlight In PART 6 The Convert: XLVIII
10 They were busily "unhaling" the rick, that is, stripping off the thatch before beginning to throw down the sheaves; and while this was in progress Izz and Tess, with the other women-workers, in their whitey-brown pinners, stood waiting and shivering, Farmer Groby having insisted upon their being on the spot thus early to get the job over if possible by the end of the day.
Tess of the d'UrbervillesBy Thomas Hardy ContextHighlight In PART 6 The Convert: XLVII