1 "You are right enough there," said Mrs. Medlock.
2 And it stopped right under Ben Weatherstaff's nose.
3 Wheres'ever tha puts it," he said, "it'll be all right.
4 And she felt she was quite right; but of course now she felt that Colin was quite wrong.
5 He flew right up to the handle of Ben Weatherstaff's spade and alighted on the top of it.
6 She looked right down at me as if she were laughing because she was glad I was standing there.
7 He flew on to the nearest currant bush and tilted his head and sang a little song right at him.
8 Down this passage and then to the left, and then up two broad steps, and then to the right again.
9 Nut sat on his left shoulder and Soot on his right and Shell's head and paws peeped out of his coat pocket.
10 When he said "Nut" one squirrel leaped on to his right shoulder and when he said "Shell" the other one leaped on to his left shoulder.
11 She wondered, indeed, if it were not possible that his gift had brought the robin just at the right moment when Colin asked that dangerous question.
12 Two or three times she lost her way by turning down the wrong corridor and was obliged to ramble up and down until she found the right one; but at last she reached her own floor again, though she was some distance from her own room and did not know exactly where she was.