SHARKS in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
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 Current Search - sharks in The Old Man and the Sea
1  "Unless sharks come," he said aloud.
The Old Man and the Sea By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In 3
2  I am too old to club sharks to death.
The Old Man and the Sea By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In 4
3  The sharks did not hit him again until just before sunset.
The Old Man and the Sea By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In 4
4  They were not the ordinary pyramid-shaped teeth of most sharks.
The Old Man and the Sea By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In 4
5  But we have killed many sharks, you and I, and ruined many others.
The Old Man and the Sea By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In 4
6  He is not a scavenger nor just a moving appetite as some sharks are.
The Old Man and the Sea By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In 4
7  The sun had gone down while he had been in the fight with the sharks.
The Old Man and the Sea By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In 4
8  In the night sharks hit the carcass as someone might pick up crumbs from the table.
The Old Man and the Sea By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In 4
9  He closed them firmly so they would take the pain now and would not flinch and watched the sharks come.
The Old Man and the Sea By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In 4
10  They were hateful sharks, bad smelling, scavengers as well as killers, and when they were hungry they would bite at an oar or the rudder of a boat.
The Old Man and the Sea By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In 4
11  He knew that each of the jerking bumps of the shark had been meat torn away and that the fish now made a trail for all sharks as wide as a highway through the sea.
The Old Man and the Sea By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In 4
12  He had seen the second fin now coming up behind the first and had identified them as shovel-nosed sharks by the brown, triangular fin and the sweeping movements of the tail.
The Old Man and the Sea By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In 4
13  He had sailed for two hours, resting in the stern and sometimes chewing a bit of the meat from the marlin, trying to rest and to be strong, when he saw the first of the two sharks.
The Old Man and the Sea By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In 4
14  He could only use it effectively with one hand because of the grip of the handle and he took good hold of it with his right hand, flexing his hand on it, as he watched the sharks come.
The Old Man and the Sea By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In 4
15  The two sharks closed together and as he saw the one nearest him open his jaws and sink them into the silver side of the fish, he raised the club high and brought it down heavy and slamming onto the top of the shark's broad head.
The Old Man and the Sea By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In 4
16  It was these sharks that would cut the turtles' legs and flippers off when the turtles were asleep on the surface, and they would hit a man in the water, if they were hungry, even if the man had no smell of fish blood nor of fish slime on him.
The Old Man and the Sea By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In 4
17  Those who had caught sharks had taken them to the shark factory on the other side of the cove where they were hoisted on a block and tackle, their livers removed, their fins cut off and their hides skinned out and their flesh cut into strips for salting.
The Old Man and the Sea By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In 1
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