SITTING in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from The Odyssey by Homer
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 Current Search - sitting in The Odyssey
1  You will find her sitting by the fire and spinning her purple wool by firelight.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK VI
2  No one noticed his distress except Alcinous, who was sitting near him, and heard the heavy sighs that he was heaving.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK VIII
3  He found him sitting in front of his hut, which was by the yards that he had built on a site which could be seen from far.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XIV
4  He felt the change, wondered at it, and knew that the stranger had been a god, so he went straight to where the suitors were sitting.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK I
5  The base remained where it was, but the part on which Ajax was sitting fell headlong into the sea and carried Ajax with it; so he drank salt water and was drowned.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK IV
6  While Ulysses was thus yielding himself to a very deep slumber that eased the burden of his sorrows, his admirable wife awoke, and sitting up in her bed began to cry.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XX
7  When Alcinous heard this he took Ulysses by the hand, raised him from the hearth, and bade him take the seat of Laodamas, who had been sitting beside him, and was his favourite son.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK VII
8  When the servants had done washing and anointing him with oil, and had given him a clean cloak and shirt, he left the bath room and joined the guests who were sitting over their wine.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK VIII
9  You will find a number of great people sitting at table, but do not be afraid; go straight in, for the bolder a man is the more likely he is to carry his point, even though he is a stranger.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK VII
10  He was sitting moodily among the suitors thinking about his brave father, and how he would send them flying out of the house, if he were to come to his own again and be honoured as in days gone by.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK I
11  She caused their drink to fuddle them, and made them drop their cups from their hands, so that instead of sitting over their wine, they went back into the town to sleep, with their eyes heavy and full of drowsiness.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK II
12  Then I saw Minos son of Jove with his golden sceptre in his hand sitting in judgement on the dead, and the ghosts were gathered sitting and standing round him in the spacious house of Hades, to learn his sentences upon them.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XI
13  I found the poor creature sitting all alone astride of a keel, for Jove had struck his ship with lightning and sunk it in mid ocean, so that all his crew were drowned, while he himself was driven by wind and waves on to my island.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK V
14  Her mother was sitting by the fireside spinning her purple yarn with her maids around her, and she happened to catch her father just as he was going out to attend a meeting of the town council, which the Phaeacian aldermen had convened.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK VI
15  There is nothing better or more delightful than when a whole people make merry together, with the guests sitting orderly to listen, while the table is loaded with bread and meats, and the cup-bearer draws wine and fills his cup for every man.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK IX
16  She found him sitting upon the beach with his eyes ever filled with tears, and dying of sheer home sickness; for he had got tired of Calypso, and though he was forced to sleep with her in the cave by night, it was she, not he, that would have it so.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK V
17  As the snow wastes upon the mountain tops when the winds from South East and West have breathed upon it and thawed it till the rivers run bank full with water, even so did her cheeks overflow with tears for the husband who was all the time sitting by her side.
The Odyssey By Homer
ContextHighlight   In BOOK XIX
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