SPIRITS in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
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 Current Search - spirits in Treasure Island
1  The terror of the dead buccaneer had fallen on their spirits.
Treasure Island By Robert Louis Stevenson
ContextHighlight   In PART 6: 31
2  "You can kill the body, Mr. Hands, but not the spirit; you must know that already," I replied.
Treasure Island By Robert Louis Stevenson
ContextHighlight   In PART 5: 26
3  Long John told the story from first to last, with a great deal of spirit and the most perfect truth.
Treasure Island By Robert Louis Stevenson
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: 8
4  I lay down flat in the bottom of that wretched skiff and devoutly recommended my spirit to its Maker.
Treasure Island By Robert Louis Stevenson
ContextHighlight   In PART 5: 23
5  So thinking, and in famous spirits, I began to set my face homeward for the block house and my companions.
Treasure Island By Robert Louis Stevenson
ContextHighlight   In PART 5: 27
6  It was extraordinary how their spirits had returned and how the natural colour had revived in their faces.
Treasure Island By Robert Louis Stevenson
ContextHighlight   In PART 6: 32
7  I've always liked you, I have, for a lad of spirit, and the picter of my own self when I was young and handsome.
Treasure Island By Robert Louis Stevenson
ContextHighlight   In PART 6: 28
8  His words, spirited as they were in meaning, contrasted sadly with the weakness of the voice in which they were uttered.
Treasure Island By Robert Louis Stevenson
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: 3
9  The next morning he and I set out on foot for the Admiral Benbow, and there I found my mother in good health and spirits.
Treasure Island By Robert Louis Stevenson
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: 7
10  All was drawing alow and aloft; everyone was in the bravest spirits because we were now so near an end of the first part of our adventure.
Treasure Island By Robert Louis Stevenson
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: 10
11  Indeed, he seemed in the most cheerful spirits, whistling as he moved about among the tables, with a merry word or a slap on the shoulder for the more favoured of his guests.
Treasure Island By Robert Louis Stevenson
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: 8
12  I am in the most magnificent health and spirits, eating like a bull, sleeping like a tree, yet I shall not enjoy a moment till I hear my old tarpaulins tramping round the capstan.
Treasure Island By Robert Louis Stevenson
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: 7
13  Between Silver and myself we got together in a few days a company of the toughest old salts imaginable--not pretty to look at, but fellows, by their faces, of the most indomitable spirit.
Treasure Island By Robert Louis Stevenson
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: 7
14  In the same wasteful spirit, they had cooked, I suppose, three times more than we could eat; and one of them, with an empty laugh, threw what was left into the fire, which blazed and roared again over this unusual fuel.
Treasure Island By Robert Louis Stevenson
ContextHighlight   In PART 6: 31
15  The water scarcely reached my waist; the sand was firm and covered with ripple marks, and I waded ashore in great spirits, leaving the HISPANIOLA on her side, with her main-sail trailing wide upon the surface of the bay.
Treasure Island By Robert Louis Stevenson
ContextHighlight   In PART 5: 27
16  It was so decided; loaded pistols were served out to all the sure men; Hunter, Joyce, and Redruth were taken into our confidence and received the news with less surprise and a better spirit than we had looked for, and then the captain went on deck and addressed the crew.
Treasure Island By Robert Louis Stevenson
ContextHighlight   In PART 3: 13
17  Tired though we all were, two were sent out for firewood; two more were set to dig a grave for Redruth; the doctor was named cook; I was put sentry at the door; and the captain himself went from one to another, keeping up our spirits and lending a hand wherever it was wanted.
Treasure Island By Robert Louis Stevenson
ContextHighlight   In PART 4: 19
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