1 I want you to tell Dally to look at one.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 12 2 I hate to tell people my name for the first time.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 2 3 My dad says for me to tell the truth and nobody can get hurt.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 11 4 He was going to tell her off real good, but I shoved him along.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 8 5 I was too tired to tell myself I was being mean and unreasonable.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 4 6 I wanted to tell him to shut up and let me sleep but I only yawned.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 7 7 I had to tell her that, because I'd seen her eyes when Two-Bit flicked out his switch.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 3 8 It's kind of hard to tell with him--- he acts boozed up sometimes even when he's sober.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 2 9 "I reckon," I said, wondering if I ought to tell Johnny what she had said about Dallas.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 3 10 In that second what Soda and Dally and Two-Bit had been trying to tell me came through.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 6 11 Hate to tell you, buddy," Steve said, still flat on the floor, "but you have to wear clothes to work.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 7 12 "We just left him," Two-Bit said, and I could tell that he was debating whether to tell Dally the truth or not.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 8 13 She's probably come to tell me about all the trouble I'm causing her and about how glad her and the old man'll be when I'm dead.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 8 14 "Taking into consideration the circumstances" ---brother, was that ever a way to tell me he knew I was goofing up because I'd been in a lot of trouble.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 12 15 I could see boys going down under street lights because they were mean and tough and hated the world, and it was too late to tell them that there was still good in it, and they wouldn't believe you if you did.
The Outsiders By S. E. HintonContext In Chapter 12