1 Two hundred and twenty metres long, two hundred wide, ten high.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter I 2 For in nature it takes thirty years for two hundred eggs to reach maturity.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter I 3 He moved two paces down the line and began the same process on the next pump.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter I 4 They could make sure of at least a hundred and fifty mature eggs within two years.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter I 5 First Gallery level, he called to two boys who had started to go down to the ground floor.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter I 6 The roses were in bloom, two nightingales soliloquized in the boskage, a cuckoo was just going out of tune among the lime trees.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter III 7 In a gap between two tunnels, a nurse was delicately probing with a long fine syringe into the gelatinous contents of a passing bottle.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter I 8 'Charming, charming,' murmured the Director and, giving her two or three little pats, received in exchange a rather deferential smile for himself.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter I 9 But as the two thousand million inhabitants of the planet had only ten thousand names between them, the coincidence was not particularly surprising.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter III 10 Lenina pulled at her zippers--downwards on the jacket, downwards with a double-handed gesture at the two that held trousers, downwards again to loosen her undergarment.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter III 11 One circuit of the cellar at ground level, one on the first gallery, half on the second, and on the two hundred and sixty-seventh morning, daylight in the Decanting Room.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter I 12 Showed them the simple mechanism by means of which, during the last two metres out of every eight, all the embryos were simultaneously shaken into familiarity with movement.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter I 13 Strange,' mused the Director, as they turned away, 'strange to think that even in Our Ford's day most games were played without more apparatus than a ball or two and a few sticks and perhaps a bit of netting.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter III 14 Books and loud noises, flowers and electric shocks--already in the infant mind these couples were compromisingly linked; and after two hundred repetitions of the same or a similar lesson would be wedded indissolubly.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter II 15 Fertilize and bokanovskify--in other words, multiply by seventy-two--and you get an average of nearly eleven thousand brothers and sisters in a hundred and fifty batches of identical twins, all within two years of the same age.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter I 16 A few died; of the rest, the least susceptible divided into two; most put out four buds; some eight; all were returned to the incubators, where the buds began to develop; then, after two days, were suddenly chilled, chilled and checked.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter I 17 In a little grassy bay between tall clumps of Mediterranean heather, two children, a little boy of about seven and a little girl who might have been a year older, were playing, very gravely and with all the focussed attention of scientists intent on a labour of discovery, a rudimentary sexual game.
Brave New World By Aldous HuxleyContext In Chapter III Your search result may include more than 17 sentences. If you upgrade to a VIP account, you will see up to 500 sentences for one search.