WET in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
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 Current Search - wet in A Farewell to Arms
1  It was white and wet in the mist.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 2: 23
2  His varnished hat was shining in the wet.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 2: 23
3  They were wet to the skin and all were scared.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 3: 27
4  The plaster of the broken houses was gray and wet.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 3: 27
5  The lights from the hotel shone on the wet pavement.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 2: 23
6  The gravel paths were moist and the grass was wet with dew.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 1: 4
7  My legs felt warm and wet and my shoes were wet and warm inside.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 1: 9
8  It was still raining and soon the windows were wet and you could not see out.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 2: 24
9  It was raining and I could smell the wet street and the horse steaming in the rain.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 2: 23
10  Coming home from the Ospedale Maggiore it rained very hard and I was wet when I came in.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 2: 22
11  We met him at the door and walked out under the umbrella down the wet walk to the carriage at the curb.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 2: 24
12  The vineyards were thin and bare-branched too and all the country wet and brown and dead with the autumn.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 1: 1
13  There was a fog in the square and when we came close to the front of the cathedral it was very big and the stone was wet.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 2: 23
14  The horses were coming back, through the gate, wet and sweating, the jockeys quieting them and riding up to dismount under the trees.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 2: 20
15  We loaded two cars and drove down the road that was screened with wet mats and the last of the sun came through in the breaks between the strips of mattings.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 3: 27
16  Late in the afternoon the rain stopped and from out number two post I saw the bare wet autumn country with clouds over the tops of the hills and the straw screening over the roads wet and dripping.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 3: 27
17  There were wet dead leaves on the road from the rows of bare trees and men were working on the road, tamping stone in the ruts from piles of crushed stone along the side of the road between the trees.
A Farewell to Arms By Ernest Hemingway
Context   In BOOK 3: 25
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