1 The balls passed and whistled all around him; not one struck him.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 47 THE COUNCIL OF THE MUSKETEERS 2 At the same instant the gun was fired, and he heard the whistling of a ball pass over his head.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 41 THE SEIGE OF LA ROCHELLE 3 At these words he blew a whistle; the globe of fire which lighted the room reascended and disappeared.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 56 CAPTIVITY: THE FIFTH DAY 4 He soon left the pathway of the patrol, descended across the rocks, and when arrived on the edge of the sea, whistled.
5 At length a fresh discharge was heard, and this time the balls came rattling among the stones around the four friends, and whistling sharply in their ears.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 47 THE COUNCIL OF THE MUSKETEERS 6 And springing backward, he broke his sword across his knee to avoid the necessity of surrendering it, threw the pieces over the convent wall, and crossed him arms, whistling a cardinalist air.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 5 THE KING'S MUSKETEERS AND THE CARDINAL'S GUARDS 7 The storm increased, the flashes succeeded one another more rapidly, the thunder began to growl, and the wind, the precursor of a hurricane, whistled in the plumes and the hair of the horsemen.
8 However flattering this compliment, the officer made no reply; but drawing from his belt a little silver whistle, such as boatswains use in ships of war, he whistled three times, with three different modulations.
9 However flattering this compliment, the officer made no reply; but drawing from his belt a little silver whistle, such as boatswains use in ships of war, he whistled three times, with three different modulations.
10 The officer superintended all these details with the same calmness Milady had constantly seen in him, never pronouncing a word himself, and making himself obeyed by a gesture of his hand or a sound of his whistle.
11 The three composing our forlorn hope were deliberating whether they should proceed any further, when all at once a circle of smoke enveloped the giant of stone, and a dozen balls came whistling around d'Artagnan and his companions.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContextHighlight In 41 THE SEIGE OF LA ROCHELLE