1 "Sell one of the horses," replied the old woman.
2 "Take off that veil," said the old woman to Candide.
3 A modest woman may be ravished once, but her virtue is strengthened by it.
4 It is not my hand you must kiss," said the old woman; "I shall be back to-morrow.
5 The good woman made no answer; she returned in the evening, but brought no supper.
6 The old woman desired they would make less noise and then she left them to themselves.
7 The old woman supplies a smelling bottle; they come to themselves and recover their speech.
8 Candide, amazed at all he had suffered and still more with the charity of the old woman, wished to kiss her hand.
9 Immediately Candide saddled the three horses, and Cunegonde, the old woman and he, travelled thirty miles at a stretch.
10 The old woman knocked at a little door, it opened, she led Candide up a private staircase into a small apartment richly furnished.
11 He entered, and saw the whipped Candide, sword in hand, a dead man upon the floor, Cunegonde aghast, and the old woman giving counsel.
12 The old woman returned very soon, supporting with difficulty a trembling woman of a majestic figure, brilliant with jewels, and covered with a veil.
13 I praised God for bringing you back to me after so many trials, and I charged my old woman to take care of you, and to conduct you hither as soon as possible.
14 Candide, Cunegonde, and the old woman, had now reached the little town of Avacena in the midst of the mountains of the Sierra Morena, and were speaking as follows in a public inn.
15 The next morning the old woman brought him his breakfast, looked at his back, and rubbed it herself with another ointment: in like manner she brought him his dinner; and at night she returned with his supper.
16 Candide did not take courage, but followed the old woman to a decayed house, where she gave him a pot of pomatum to anoint his sores, showed him a very neat little bed, with a suit of clothes hanging up, and left him something to eat and drink.
17 In saying this he drew a long poniard which he always carried about him; and not imagining that his adversary had any arms he threw himself upon Candide: but our honest Westphalian had received a handsome sword from the old woman along with the suit of clothes.
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